and welcome to my home page...Here you will find links to my more recent projects, chat friends home pages (of which you can get some ideas for yours), and links to some great software and of course, the best chat room on the web. I am continually updating so if you have any ideas....please send them along or just let me know you were here by signing my guest book.
I am from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. It is actually a great little city. I enjoy horseback riding and camping (especially when they are combined). I also enjoy going for long walks on the beach on windy days (real exciting, eh). I play competitive co-ed volleyball in my spare time (of which I don't have a lot of...but who does these days). I also am self-taught on the computer and I love to show people how to upload, where to get FREE web sites and show them how to use some of the available chat software.
spend a lot of time in POW WOW (download site is below if you don't
already have it) and Compu-net (which the regulars call 'the Pub'...but
that in itself is another story)....If you go to Compu-net whether it be
to lurk or chat.......these are my two favorite pics......(you never know
which one I will be using....I like to keep people guessing, one of my
many Sagittarian traits!) Please make sure you say hi. You never know who
I will be talking to in these places but everyone is definitely very friendly.
Hey, I haven't talked about music yet. Music does say a lot about a person if you really think about it. Well, I don't really have any preferences in music and if you believe that, have I got a bridge to sell you. I like the old rock 'n roll (Clapton, Stones) right into country (Garth Brooks, Reba, Faith Hill and, of course, can't forget John Michael Montgomery). But of course, these are just a few. I do have two favorite songs...and they are: Bryan Adams......(Everything I Do) I Do It For You.....from the movie "Robin Hood" and Celine Dion ......(I Love You).....(and they both are Canadian artists).
My motto these days is:
2 jobs, 2 kids, 2 pets, hhmm, I think I need 2 valium
(now you see why I don't have a lot of spare time and will probably be carted off soon)
People who know me say I am crazy as the birds. Well, if laughing and joking with my friends (net or otherwise) makes me seem that way.....then...yep, I am. If you need some humor in your day, join us in POW WOW or Compu-net and find out for yourself.
***Links to Chat Friends Pages***
R C Myers Jump Station .......... Mike Oulton's Homepage .......... Freedom .......... Baron Ravenbone's Patch .......... RoboBabe's Garden of Wonders ..........Scott's House of Higher Learning (Grifter ) .......... Neverwhere (The Cyberspace Home of Scott 'Random' Murray) .......... Kaz's Homepage.......... wireme's Home Page .......... The Noennig Nut House .......... Webmaster (J. Smith Home Page) .......... Edge's World .......... Snowbird@Home .......... The PLAY-Pen .......... Song's Palace
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the links.
See you in the movies!!!
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If you have comments or suggestions, email debbie@brunswickmicro.nb.ca
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