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Cycling,Corals and Community

tandem paceline

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Team Sundae is our family's nickname when riding our Cannondale tandem, "Big Blue". rt2000 small

June provided the nickname due to our fondness for ice cream stops. You can find a photo of Mark and Brian preparing to ride Big Blue. Brian now has a custom handlebar on the tandem that makes life easier for him. A photo of the handlebar is available for your viewing now; an article describing its construction and the parts list is forthcoming.

We often ride with the PPTC (Potomac Pedalers Touring Club) or the WABITS (Washington Area Bicyclists in Tandem Society) and are frequent contributors to the tandem@ hobbes internet mailing list.

On most weekends from April through July, we are training with "at risk" high school kids in the CAM Teen Challenge program, a community service program in conjunction with the Cycle Across Maryland Tour.

Mark is a coral reef ecologist, June has her hands full with Brian. We used to live in warm, sunny Miami when Mark was working on his Ph.D. at the University of Miami - RSMAS. We are now in Maryland where Mark works for NOAA Office of Global Programs coordinating research programs in paleoclimatology and climate dynamics and experimental prediction. One of Mark's latest efforts has been to manage the NOAA Office of Global Program's El Niño Web Page. We are also both Ham (Amateur Radio) operators, members of the Montgomery County Amateur Radio Club and Montgomery County RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service).

Our Christian faith is important to us, and are becoming involved in activities at our new church, Trinity United Methodist Church in Germantown, MD.

A new role for us is as parents and coaches in kids' soccer, scouting, etc. Then, of course, there are the dogs. 7+ year old Maggie now has Dingo as a playmate. Dingo is a lab-german shepherd cross, and at 7 months old they weighed the same. Dingo is now around 70 pounds of trouble!


The 1998 Eakin Family Interactive Christmas Card

The 1996 Eakin Family Christmas Letter

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tandem with trailer

background courtesy of Geocities: Yosemite
bike graphics courtesy of Thomas A. Smith at

|             "Team Sundae": Mark (N4SYK), June (N4SYL) & Brian Eakin
  | o __o "We Brake for Ice Cream"
  |_ L~,`\,_ Internet:
  (*) ' / (*)   © 1995    

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