
Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Psalm 100:3-6
Welcome to HavenRest Farm and Youth Ranch.
HavenRest Farm and "Journey of Youth" ranch each have unique missions. First, HavenRest Farm provides a place of rest away from the chaos and tumult of the city. It is a land bathed in prayer, peace and restoration prepared for those who minister among the church.
J.O.Y., Journey of Youth Ranch, purposes to feed, nurture and care for the young of His flock. It is a place for those who need to begin again or just to come away and learn about Life itself. Whether there is a physical or emotional reason, all are welcome. The time away is accompanied by a beautiful and exciting time on a youth ranch.
Entering the gate, and passing under an apple arbor, you pass between a historic, tabernacle of meeting and a hay barn

Two streams also run the length of the Journey of Youth Ranch property. Each stream, creek or "Branch" as they are called, ends it's journey in a multiacre stocked pond created by an earthen dam.

The main portion of HavenRest Farm resides across Highway 30 on 432 acres of pasture, woods and fields. There are 2 springs feeding a pond, a well and a cistern behind the main farmhouse. Each stream is lined by rows of ancient evergreens and knarled hardwood trees.
HavenRest Farm, over the years, has been a working farm. Over 100 acres are maintained by local farmers to graze cattle and another 100 acres are set aside to raise farm crops. Throughout the warmer seasons you will see soybean, alfalfa or 8' high sweet corn growing in the fertile soil of the beautiful Sequatchie Valley.
From the barn, drive up into the working yard.
This is where the farm equipment is stored and maintained.

I want to become an integral part J.O.Y. Ranch!
I want more information!
J.O.Y. Youth Ranch
27 Cherith Circle
Route 5
P.O. Box 483
Pikeville, Tennessee 37367-0483 - USA
Phone: (423) 447-8329
Fax: (615) 985-0021
Email: Pete Levelle
Webmaster: Webmaster
For Corrections, Omissions or Errors Email WebMaster
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