Well, I've been trying to update this for about 2 years now, so I am starting to get on it. Hooray for me!!!

Raney's Page

"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes to us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."

Hello all! My name is obviously Raney. It is pronounced the same as Renee'. I'm the one on the far right. The one in the middle is Lori, she owns the cafe' where I work. The one on the left is Mary Beth. This was taken outside the cafe'(6/97). Hopefully I will be able to get some clearer pictures posted. This one was taken at night so, it could have been better.

I spend most of my online time in alter-zone ff1 and the white room. Only there my name would be "Only Me". I will be working on some additional pages, so if you have any ideas or helpful hints.......

Email me at romeo@lovergirl.com or just sign my guestbook!
I left buttons posted below to make it easier.
Please come back soon and visit me.

Okay, so the stuff written up there is no longer true. I spend almost no time online anymore other than email. Maybe I'm too busy or maybe I just found better things to do, who knows!
Let's see... What can I tell you about me. I can tell you that I look almost nothing like that picture of me, which I will remove as soon as I have a new one.I am truely having a great time kickin' it in Phoenix, Arizona. I have met all types of people. Some I hope will stay in my life forever and others I'm glad they are gone. That's the way life is though right? Okay, let me give a quick shout out to my girls...
Peace out and I will keep on updating!

Here is a shot of 'The Courtyard Fence Painting'.

A picture from "Prom Night" at the Renegade.

This is a picture taken at Plumb Loco.

A page for my on-line friends...

Some websites to check out.....
See where I live now
See where I'm from
Camp Rehoboth Newsletter
My ICQ page
alter-zone chat
gay.com chat house

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