Greetings from India!

Hi I'm Patricia
A personal website is always a Construction Zone and so is this one. Yes, there are links which do not work, links which lead back and so on. But then yes.. I can update this page only when I venture out of my closet which is quite rarely!

This page deals with Cross Dressing and Transvestism with particular focus on India. So if you feel uncomfortable about dealing with such things just go somewhere else, which is quite easy to do - just click on your home page button.

When I first created this page way back in March 1998, there were very few pages dealing with Cross Dressing in India. Now thanks to media focus and because "girls" have mustered up their courage, there are nearly 70 webpages of Indian "girls" on the net. Some have pictures too - mine does not.
I live in a lonely closet.

Most of us from India have strong family ties and so do I. The social pressures to "conform" to "normal" behaviour from people who do not understand our desires are tremendous. So most TVs / CDs live in very private closets and especially so if they are from India.

I do not live in India currently. My family lives with me and no one at home knows I like to cross dress. I have lots of information on accessories, clothes and so on, but am hamstrung by not being able to try out anything.
In my male mode, I am the epitome of all the male attributes. Physically, I am not feminine at all but sport a bushy moustache, am hairy all over, a little balding right now.

When I first created this page, I was under the impression that I would never pass for a female. I have now changed that impression. In 2002, I had a makeover done by Jamie Austin at the Glamor Boutique. The experience was just plain Awesome!

Since then I know I will be able to pass for a female if Jamie works the magic again. Yes I did have pics taken but those are only for myself - don't go searching for pics here, they are NOT uploaded here!
Here are a few pics of Indian Film Stars in drag in a movies

If you are from India or know someone who is a CD / TV from India and who would like to join me in my closet, tell them about this webpage.
For those interested in learning how to wear a saree, here is a good link
Wearing a Saree
Tips for Crossdressers shopping for Indian Clothes in India

Here are some pictures of ladies modelling sarees. Two of them feature the Miss World 1994 Aishwarya Rai.
This is a new addition.

Would you like to get an instant temporary facelift? Click here to find out how!

Write to me here.
Please come back soon and visit me.

I am in the process of writing a fictionalized autobiography of a female impersonator in the folk theatre of Karnataka.

You can read the initial chapters here.

Counter curious persons have visited me since March 1, 2002
Check out my new Page 1 and Page 2 of pictures of Miss Queen International 2004 held in November 2004 in Pattaya.
NEW on October 25, 2005

Pictures of Katoey

let me know what you think here

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