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Welcome to my world of new horizons

Hello my name is Robyn C.

Background music provided by website Abstraction

At home in my office At home in the office In my living room

I am a transsexual girl and the following pages deal with the subject matter of transsexuality.

If this bothers you or you find it to be of no interest to you then please be on your way to some other part of the galaxy.

This site contains absolutely no pornography or vugarity of any kind whatsoever, if you are looking for cybersex, that can be found across town but not here.

This site is provided to help educate people to the little understood realm of the transexual .

I will try hard to present enough material so someone trying to understand a loved one that is this way can have some good solid facts to work with and not need to listen to street knowledge that is at best very flawed and inaccurate.

Also I hope to offer a friendly harbor to my sisters who have found themselves sailing on rough seas and need a guiding light to steer by.

We truely are the Riders on the storm.

I will always offer a steady hand on the helm to help any who need it while sailing over troubled waters.

Please enjoy this sight and stay as long as you like ,tell others about it too.

I will try and provide links to many useful places across the web that might be of value to any gender gifted people or their spouse.

I want to express my gratitude to my loving wife who has supported me throughout my perilous journey and continues to be my lover and my best friend through thick and thin.

Below you will find links to the various parts of my site please enjoy your stay and come back soon.

Robyn's Biography

Photo gallery

Links page

Robyns Bed And Breakfast

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This site is currently being rebuilt and may not be totally available I will try to have things complete as soon as possible