SKubber's Homepage
Howdy folks, I'm SKubber, a transplanted Saskatchewan boy in Calgary Alberta.  I was born in 1976 and have lived here since 1999 when I graduated University.  I studied to get a Bachelor Degree of Elementary Education but have yet to use it in my career.  I just work as a courier for a medical laboratory company.

In Calgary I belong to a bear club with a great bunch of guys.  It's called Bearback Calgary and the website is listed opposite.  Check out the galleries as I'm sure there's a few pics of me in there as well as the rest of the group.

One of my favorite TV shows is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I've included a link to it as well.  Don't let the name fool you, it's a very intelligent wonderful show that deserves MUCH more recognition.  Definately worth a try.

I like to chat a lot on the computer and can usually be found on ISPQ - a program developed by nanocom that involves sending photos with messages ( ).  I'm also on IRC a lot in #bearcave so if you see me on either one of them, say howdy to me. I'll be listed as SKubber.
SKubber in Vancouver - April 01
My Favorite Links:
Pics of Me
Pics of Me and Friends
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bearback Calgary
My Info:
Name: Curtis