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My name is Wayne Russell. As you can see I'm a big fan of Boy George and have been performing
as Boy George from the time I was 16 years old. I'm now 30 years old...Not only do I look like
(George), but my voice sounds like his as well. My life long dream is to someday meet him in person.
I hope you will enjoy my page. If you like to give me any comments or suggestions, my address is at
the bottom of this page.

My Guestbook
My Guestbook

Just to give you an idea how much I look like Boy George, I've took the liberty of putting some
pictures of myself for you to see. Enjoy!!

Well...Tell me?..Would you believe it was me?..or Boy George?..*g*

Visit some of my favourite Boy George sites:
[Boy George-Devil in Sister George (includes Boy George chatline!)]
[Welcome to The High Hat]
[The NEW and IMPROVED Boy George Homepage]
[Boy George~Kissing To Be Clever?]
[The Book of George o'Dowd Site]
[AAAH It's Boy George - London Underground]
[The George Scrapbook (pictures)]
[Boy George Homepage (by Laura Walker)]
[Church of the Poison Mind (Culture Club site)]
[Boy George (songlyrics)]
[Fearless George (interviews)]
[TIME Recorde (Mixin' Singin' Movin') - ARTISTI/ARTISTS]

You can email me at:
or write me to:
Wayne Russell
937c Kingsbury Drive
Clarksville, TN, 37040

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