Retaeh's Bi-Rite Mart

Hey, Retaeh here. That's Ret for short. You'll have to excuse the appearance of this page as I haven't gotten to edit it much yet. Links and graphics are eventually going to follow. Patience is a virtue, kids!

See my Bi-Rite Mart Links!

Ret's view on Bisexuality, and her byke lifestyle

I personally define bisexuality as the tendency to be attracted to, and the ability to become emotionally involved with members of both sexes. The degree to which you like one sex or the other can vary. Some people are more into one sex than the other, while some other people like men and women just the same. I myself am a little on the odd side. I find myself *physically* attracted to men and women equally. However, I do not feel I could ever fall in love with a women. The emotional attraction is not there. I feel emotional bonds with women that are more on a level of close friendship. I'd call myself mostly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual. Hence, I'm a byke.

Ret's byke lifestyle unfortunately has been pretty uneventful since I came out to myself (or rather, admitted to myself I was bi) in my junior year of college. Since then, I've dated a grand ONE women, who was a lesbian. She was a great girl, but, being a lesbian, she just didn't GET my attraction for guys. Totally understandable.

So what does Ret want out of a woman then, you ask? Well, I'll be honest. I want sex, and friendship too. I wouldn't want to sleep with someone who I barely knew. In today's world, that's just plain stupid! Besides, I have this bad little habit of actually being friends with the person I screw. ;) I currently have a fiance, who knows I am bi, and is open to me exploring my bisexuality. Sure, I fantasize about a threesome, but is it likely ever to happen? Probably not.

Ret's Opinion as to where all the good women are...

I've decided that all the good women are either married, lesbians, or currently seriously dating a guy, and therefore there are no single bisexual women around to hang out with. This in itself is just a travesty. There are thousands of couples looking out for single bisexual women, but no women to look back at them. Alas, we'll just have to live vicariously through porn.

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Please come back soon and visit me.

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