Fancy a quickie with Colin?....just kidding. I hope that you may find some of the information here interesting, or at least entertaining. There is information about myself here as well as other random areas of interest. I have been told I am very strange and crazy but still fairly straight so make up your own mind after your visit. I have been described as, tall, dark and _________? I'll let you make up the rest. So take a browse and see what you can salvage to take away with you from my weird little world.  Col xx

Take a browse on the links below to travel to other areas of my site.



Here you will find my gaydar profile and more pictures of myself.


Work History & Experience

Check out my C.V who knows I may be the man for you?


Tales of the City Too

One of the best shows on television gets my star treatment, my biggest site yet, very entertaining.


Lillie Langtry

One of the most beautiful  women of the 19th century......this kings mistress.


Chicago & Fosse

Bob Fosse's superb musical and the spectacular show that pays tribute to him.


Off With Their Heads

My first and rather bad website showcasing my talent for swapping heads.


My Friend  Jane's gaydargirls profile



Its big, its beautiful and you're gonna love it!