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Greetings and welcome to my site. As you can see my name is Ryan. Its Fairy for "King." As you can tell I've gotten a grip of the html now but it might be some time before this site is as impressive as I'd like it to be. I have some pics of myself up and some of my friends. This site will be full of info about me and my interests, including links to related topics and my own comments. Ryan's Rantings seems to be pretty popular. I like to bitch and complain about some of life's little complications. Check it out you might find something to agree with or disagree with. [Links to my other pages are near the bottom of this page].
Now some info about me:
I am a 29yr old from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada When I was in university the U of S was a great place to be. We have a rather open minded campus, for the prairies. There is a somewhat active gay presence on campus with GLUS the U Of S non-heterosexual campus club that has been active since 1971, I was the President of this group for the scholastic year of 1998-99. GLUS of course, no longer exisits due to some internal thing I know too little about. The opening of the U of S Students' Union's Lesbian Gay Bisexual Centre in 1997 marked a renewed commitment to a positive attitude towards gays on campus as well, offering peer support and education for all U of S students. I adore Star Trek, I practically live it. If I could have any wish at all, it would be playing the guest character of any Star Trek series episode, you know the ones that the plot revolves around... not that that is very rare. Perhaps I could be the focus of a DS9 mystery, or the escaped hostage from an aggressive alien race on Voyager; okay so that is out of the realm of possibility now but maybe Enterprise needs extras... I'm still torn on the Enterprise topic, its getting better at least, well... a little better. What's with the intro!? Nearly five or six years ago I had a break-up that was somewhat rough on me. I wasn't exactly in the best mood. Actually I was probably in the most depressed mood I've been in...ever(except when my dog died!). But I was very lucky I have friends and family that saw the symptoms and did whatever they could to help. If you want to know if someone that you care about is depressed you should check out this link. It tells you the symptoms and other info you need to know about depression.
I have since become in a In university I was active, during my first and second year, in the Saint Thomas More Student's Union (STM that's my college) as the VP Promotions and First Year Rep. In the 1998-99 year I decided not to be the VP Promotions for STMSU but rather to get involved with GLUS. I was given the position of President. It was lots of fun but a lot of work and a bit of stress. In 1999-2000 I didn't do a lot of volunteer work on campus other than some shoddy work with the GLUS website. In 2000-2001 I di a lot of volunteering at the LGB Centre and recieved the Above and Beyond Award for being the voice of moral order and giving great hugs. I have also been heavily involved with my local church. Everyone there, as my mother has told me, knows that I'm gay. She also tells me that no one has a problem with it, which makes sense since she also tells me that I'm amongst numbers there. One of our past ministers (actually two its rumored) was gay, but she moved to Seattle to do youth ministry there. The United Church is very gay friendly, if not simply in an official capacity but the majority rules and there was a national vote on it in the church in 1988. That rocks. That's part of why I was on my congregation's Christian education committee, central board, and occasionally help out with services. I am was on the Long Range Planning Committe (1998-2000) for the United Church of Saskatchewan and saw some good things comw out of its work. In the passed I have also served on other committees at the Conference (provincial) level. I have been a member of the Youth and Young Adult Committee (YAYAC) (1992-96), the Worship Committe for the Conference Annula Meeting(1993), and the Implamentation Committee of Saskatchewan Conference(1996-97).
Now that I know how to do some more html, check out the rest of my website! It'll get better. I swear...not very often but I do.
Ryan's Ranting Of The WeekUPDATED June 2nd, 2005 |
Ryan's Family Page |
Ryan's Friends PageUPDATED November 19th, 2001 |
Sign My NEW Guestbook |
View My New Guestbook |
Ryan's Movie ReviewsUPDATED December 21st, 2003 |
Ryan's Star Trek Universe |
UPDATED Feb 7th, 2001 |
Ryan's Art Page. It's a work in progress. | |||
View My Old Guestbook |
"If you are not smarter than a cat, then you shouldn't own one." - My friend Mark "The cow's at the shop" - My friend Carrie
"Help people overseas, they can't annoy you." - Mark again
"No matter how bad my life is, I'm not being tortured by an implant in my brain." - Mark once more
"Bigots can't drive." - Jen at coffee
"I can't scream now, it's too funny." -Brice trying to help me scare my neighbour and failing. |
"Don't let love kill you." My 'belle p'tit coloc (ma ma tante)' Émilie |
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