Welcome to My world :-)
Sorry the writings have not been updated in a while, we have been a bit distracted of late... and surprisingly buisy. Please use the email address listed below as my work emails have been filtered and most external email is no longer being received. People are always asking to see a pictures. Well here we go.
Nicole went through a quarter life crisis a bit ago so yes we did break up for about a month. In that time I became really social, going out to clubs on Friday and Saturday nights and getting to know a lot of people. Ty was forcing me to meet people and get out of the house. Well one thing lead to another and she and I sort of ended up together. I am still not sure what to call the relationship but for the most part girlfriend. After about a month of Nicole being str8 and not wanting anything to do with me she started getting jealous of Ty and I. She was getting particularly mopy because her boyfriend suddenly was not speaking to her and she was havnig a really bad day so I forced her to come watch Ty perform at the club on Friday night.
Quick update... We are planning to participate in the MS challenge walk next year as we haven't been able to get thigns started for this years participation but we will be volunteering for it. If you would like to donate to our challenge walk for 2006 I have a Pay Pal account and the Daggermaille checking account is going to be keeping track of the donations that are made and saving them specifilcally for our Challenge Walk Goal of $10,000.00.
Our friend Trish Shields has published her first novel INFERNO. It's an awesome rollercoster of emotion that anyone who has and demons inside should read. It is a love story about a firefighter and the homeless woman she falls in love with. Definately a must read!
One of the friendlest chat rooms on the net can be found at
If you are interested in more about us feel free to ask :-) What we don't bite... well unless someone requests it! *eyebrow arch* *smirk* Hope you enjoy exploring our little creation here!
These are the states I have visited... they total a whopping 66% of the states. Not bad for my age :-)
So I have only visited 4 countries (1%) so far... I will have to do something about that!
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Robin January 8th 2000, family resemblance, Robin and Nicole Thanksgiving 2001 Kajun and Morrighan
We are hoping to get updated pictures soon. Some friends took pictures at a wedding we attended, once they send us copies we will put them up.
Places to go that don't really need explanation
General Update
At the club Nicole turns to me and says "What the hell have I been doing? This is where I belong." It ends up earlier in the day when she started having some really bad things go on at work I was the first person she thought of for comfort which made her start thinking, then I forced her to get out and not dwell on things and I was still accepting of her which got her thinking about what went on for the last month. Then at the club she was comfortable and loving what was going on around her and found herself drawn back to the lesbian side >:-)
So Ty and I think we should both get the proverbial toasteroven for converting her back :-) One thing lead to another and we are now a trio. We are not dating or in anything solid, we just spend every moment we can together is all. We are all really good friends.
A bit about Ty for those of you who don't know her. Ty is 27, about 5'6" with short brown hair and brown eyes. Cute as hell! She has been performing as a Drag King under the name Max West since she was 22.
We have not gotten much more done on the house besides the occational rearranging of furniture. Ty has a lot of landscaping plans for the back yard and we are planning to paint the house before it gets too cold... or in spring if we can't get things together fast enough.
My mother emailed me a forward, one of those things that you are supposed to send to as many people as possible and keep the spirit of it alive. She tends to send me religious items even though she knows I do not practice her religion. I usually read the first few lines then delete the email knowing it will either make me mad or try to make me feel guilty for who I am. This time though she asked that I at least give the story a chance, she knows I will understand why she sent it to me when I finish. She was right. It made me think. I didn’t tell her that though. I probably should at least say thanks. I wrote a poem in response to that forward. Independence.
Shameless plugs XWL.
Feel free to send us an email, address listed below :-)
Please give me comments on my page... change this add that... what ever :-) And don't be afraid of the guestbook.
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Battle On!
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