My Name is Heather

I was born and raised in Portland Oregon.

Here is the Serious stuff before the fun.
I have to put this link here.
In loving memory of my mom. March 3, 1942 - June 25th 2001.
I love you and miss you mom.

People often wonder what does a homosexual look like?To assist these people I have entire page of pictures of Homosexuals. This is where you will find pictures of me.

Being the good lesbian that I am I had to include some of my favorite Gay sites. You will find many interesting places on my Gay Links Page. This is where my coming out story is located

I am also A tattooed person.
Click here and you can see all but one of my tattoo's and even some that are yet to come.

I was also adopted. Of course you guessed it I have several links regarding adoption. You can also read the story of me finding my birthmother on this page.

If you would like you may ME !!!!!

Hope your Day is as Wonderful as YOU are!!!

This Page Last Updated 4/19/05
If you find a problem with anything please E-Mail Me