A Crossdresser's World

If Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus,
Where are Crossdressers from?

Welcome to Joannie's Place!

Updated Oct 2007

Febuary 1998...After years of those strange feelings haunting me, I've finally freed my other self and announce the coming out of Joannie!...She is a fortysomething, heterosexual, married male who has discovered how titillating it can be to express his feminine side. This website is a window to that cyberworld where stereotyped notions of what is genderly correct and accepted are not concrete. It is a place where our imaginations and fantasies can run wild.....

Okay, now I know what you're thinking, "before I go further with this website, what does this Joannie person look like anyway." Well, glad you asked, scroll on.

Joannie Speaks

March 1998...Life has it's share of ups and downs for everyone but when I finally realized that I was a bonifide crossdresser, it was quite a bump in the road of life for someone in his forties. I could have lamented my situation but I decided I really kind of liked it. With that in mind, I would like to mention I created this website to share my story with others who might be similarly affected and to have some fun with it. I've enjoyed surfing through the many transgendered websites and I enjoy developing this site. The web is a treasure of information and a wonderful place for those of us who have struggled with that "strange feeling haunting them", to find out we are not alone. I'm sure my story is similar to many of yours and I offer no cures or explanations for this behavior, other than to say, in my case I like women so much, I am compelled to become one occasionally.

For most of my life, I didn't realize this Joannie persona was within me. I only knew I was always very attracted to the sight and feel of lingerie, hosiery and heels. I enjoyed it on women and I enjoyed it on me. It was only a couple of years ago that I took the look further. I experimented with make up and trying on my wife's clothes when she was out. It was like a bolt from the blue, I couldn't get enough. I had opened the door and released those strange feelings and realized that I truly had a feminine side trapped in me wanting desperately to bust out! This was difficult for me at first because I consider myself pretty much a typical straight male. After much reading, research and soul searching, I accepted the fact that Joannie was a part of me. So it was time to get on with things and make the most of the situation.

By the way, a publication I found called Transformation was very helpful. Its many articles and correspondance section contained much useful information. It is also a very classy magazine with many gorgeous photos.

Anyway, I eventually discovered that the attraction was more than the tactile feel of the clothes, it became more and more the total package of perfecting the illusion of becoming not only a passable looking woman but as attractive looking as I could. Considering I'm no longer as young as I used to be, the transformation process takes some effort. But that process is part of the tingle, as laborious as it can be sometimes, the challange to look better each time adds to that tantalizing sensation when I become Joannie. Unfortunately because it does take so long, Joannie does not make very many appearances.

I have discovered the art of make up is quite a learning experience and now have an appreciation of what gals go through when getting ready! After some early awkward attempts, I started to get a grip on the basics. Through one of the publications I started receiving, I ordered a wig. Armed with my wife's cosmetics, some of her clothes that I could fit in and a wig that wasn't half bad, I started down a road that is taking me for quite a trip. Vanity set in and I had to see what Joannie looked like on film. With the camera set on automatic, the modeling "career" was off.

Here are some of Joannie's early attempts at perfecting the look!...The journey begins!

One thing led to another and soon I was ordering clothes, hosiery, another wig and cosmetics through the mail. At the time, my wife knew of my strong attraction for lingerie and hosiery, but not how far I had taken it. I was a little amazed myself how much I wanted to bring Joannie out. I knew eventually I wanted to go out in public but I knew I had a long way to go.

However, with more makeup practice and careful selection of clothes that would not draw attention, I prepared for my first public outing. On a weekend when my wife was out of town, I did myself up conservatively and later in the evening drove to a Walmart in the next county.

Dressed for my first time out!

Whoops...Wrong picture. I didn't get this look till the third or fourth time out...Right!

What a case of nerves I was on the inside, but I kept a calm exterior and breezed into the store like I had done it countless times. As I got into the store, I thought so far so good. Without talking to anyone, I wandered around and checked out the women's clothes and shoe sections as well as the makeup counter. I was in heaven. I bought a few items and got out of the store with only a few second looks as far as I could tell.

OK, this is the right one. I know it's not as "interesting", but really, I didn't want to draw attention, at least not too much.

On the way home I stopped for gas at a pay at the pump gas station and wouldn't you know it, some guy in a truck called me ma'am and asked for directions to the highway. Well I stammered something about taking a right and pointed to the stoplight. That definitely got a second look as I don't have the voice perfected yet. All in all though, it was a successful and fun first night out.

Now what, and where do I go from here. Somehow I had to reveal to my wife the depth of my freed feminine side. While I was pondering how to do that, shortly after my first night out, my wife confronted me with a long female hair she had found in her car and wanted to know where it came from. Hooboy...I was commited now. Honest honey, the other woman is really me!!!

Well things could have gone better and they could have gone worse. Suffice it to say that over a period of time, she has reached a point of very reluctant acceptance. However, she has surprised me on a few occasions with certain overtures that have been quite nice. One such occasion was a photo shoot. Shots can certainly come out much nicer when someone is setting the pose and taking the shot.

Some early posed photos.

Since I wanted to take Joannie out in public but in a safe environment, it was time to do more web research. I needed more information and advice from other "sisters". Fortunately there is much to find in cyberspace. Through many stories and accounts found from these personal pages, I decided to seek out a support group in which to join.

Page Two...More story and photos!

Page Three...New Photos!

This website is continually evolving so visit again soon. In the meantime check out some of my favorite TG websites listed below and please sign my guestbook, I'd love to hear some of your comments and share some of your stories.

Joannie's Place was last updated on Jan 2004.

Links to some of my favorite sites

Debbie's Secret Garden
Alexandra's Homepage
Phi Epsilon Mu
LariAnn of Aroidia
Barbara Richards
Brenda'sBig Backyard
Teddy Girl Lingerie

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