This is the Snake part of my web page, since my primary web page service is so stingy with disk space. To visit or return to my primary web page, please go to


It's funny — a few years ago, when I was repotting some plants in my back yard, I reached for a garden hose and almost grabbed a small garter snake by mistake. I screamed bloody murder, went inside and locked the sliding door, and asked my friend Shawn to come over and kill it. If he didn't catch it, I swore I would pack up and move out. That was two years ago. Today, I have six pet snakes that I love and I'm still looking for more!

I guess I got over my ophidiophobia because of Ashley. During the summer, Ashley found a baby gecko at work and brought it home. He housed it in a plastic reptile cage, with clean ashtray sand as a substrate. We fed it baby crickets, and he was just the coolest thing. One day, Ashley found a wild anole and put it in the cage with the gecko. Later that night, there was only a single, fat anole. I was so upset by the loss of the baby gecko. Ashley threw the anole out the window.

A few weeks later, Ashley came home with a ribbon snake. I was horrified at first, and I couldn't believe he brought one home. Over time, I grew very attached to it. But we didn't know how to care for it, and it got sick and died. I was devastated and promised that I would study snake care and take better care of the next one.

The next snake was a Ribbon snake that I picked out at the store and brought home. With my new knowledge of snake care, Gus has has thrived and grown to be a happy snake. Of course, now the ball was also rolling. So I brought home another snake... and another. I can never just stop at one!

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