shorn and shaved
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This site was updated since Feb 23, 1999

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Whole new page design!!

Lots of new pics added in Gallery 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Exciting new story " SABENA "

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I'm a college student in Beijing in China, and I'm interested in men's haircut, short hair and shaving. Internet gave all of us a chance to recognize ourselves and I began to know " I'm not alone " when I visited many site about fetish in men's haircut. So I build this haircutt page. Enjoy yourself here and have your hair cut!!

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There are lots of galleries in " gallery " section, lots of pics of men's haircut. short hair and skinheads are waiting for you, come on and feel them! And there are also some new stories in " stories " section, I'll put more stories on my site, so please check this site frequently.
There are many links of haircut on "links" and you can sign my guestbook to let me know your opinions of my page or haircut, and you can also email me.