Linda B's Home Page

About me

I've been at Airvana, as a principal technical writer for about a year. So far so good!

I live in Worcester, MA with my honey Maureen

...and our best friend Buster.

I spend my free time working out, cycling, reading scifi and women detective novels, and going to movies.

My second job is a Spin Fitness instructor. You can catch my Monday nite, Tuesday/Thursday 6 AM, or Saturday AM Reaction cycling (Bally's way of spinning) classes at Ballys in Worcester, MA.

My newest gig is 5.30AM (yes, I'm a morning maniac!) at Anytime Fitness in N. Grafton, MA

Now, for the Fun Stuff!


Our second Bay to Breakers Race

My Resume

My writing samples

My poor Ex-RAV4s

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So who's counting anyway?!

Oh, all right! You are Grapehead number: Counter

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