Please Sign My Guestbook- sign anonymously if you want Sign Guestbook < View Guestbook If you have a question about someone on this page please write it in my guestbook, with your email and I'll try to get back to you quickly. If you don't want to give your email address I will leave the answer to your question in my guestbook. Don't Forget to Click Reload, I added some new stuff Why did these women chose to dress as or live as men (read here to find out more about the individuals on this page.) Check out Leslie Feinberg's book _Transgender_Warriors_ (Great History!) and Kate Bornstein's _Gender_Outlaws_ Jan Morris, author of _Conundrum_ is a very interesting MtoF who was a war correspondent and has written several history books. Here are some pictures of some FtoM's from History (I am using a very broad definition, including crossdressers as well as women "passing" as men) Cora Anderson/Ralph KerwinieoDr. Mary Walker, Bio Lead character in female dress reform Mary Anderson/Murray HallA Prominent New York Politician for 30 yrs. Died of breast cancer in 1901. Dr. Allan Lucill Hart (http://www.transhistory.org is no longer?!)
Hannah Snell, soldier (1700's)
William Cathay/Cathay Williams, First Female Buffalo Solider Cathay Williams, Black women soldier
Harry T. Buford/Loreta Janeta VelazquezFull Text of The Woman in Battle: A Narrative of the Exploits, Adventures and Travels of Madame Loreta Janeta Velazquez, Otherwise Known as Lieutenant Harry T. Buford, Confederate States Army. Richmond, Va: Dustin, Gilman & Co., 1876available at this website!
>Private Albert D. J. Cashier/Jennie Hodgers Lyons Wakeman/Sarah Wakeman-working as a coal handler on a river barge in New York and later enlisted in the army Her tombstone bears the name Lyons Wakeman Read more in the book An Uncommon Soldier: The Civil War Letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman 153rd Regiment, New York Volunteers, 18621864, edited by Lauren Cook Burgess, Oxford University Press, New York, $9.95
Dr.Barry, Bio Attorney General
Erauso, Book/Bio I enjoyed the book and all Erauso's escapades, even if they might be a bit made up (that was a part of why they were so fun) Charlie Pankhurst/Charlotte Darkey Parkhurst/E.J. Guerin Also known as "Mountain Charlie" and "One-eyed Charlie" read more in: Mountain Charley: Or The Adventures Of Mrs. E. J. Guerin,Who Was Thirteen Years In Male Attire By: Guerin, E. J. Published by, University of Oklahoma Press, 1985. Riding Freedom- a children's book about Charlie Rae Leonard (1849-1925)- dressed and worked as a male for 40 years (paper posted with the permission of the author)
Si Mahmoud Essadi/Laila Mahmuda/Isabelle Eberhardt (www.fringeware.com is no more :-( I'll have to find another link) Read more in these books:Departures by Isabelle Eberhardt, 1994 The Oblivion Seekers by Isabelle Eberhardt (Paul Bowles, trans.), 1988 Prisoner of Dunes by Isabelle Eberhardt (Sharon Bangert, trans.), 1995 The Passionate Nomad : The Diary of Isabelle Eberhardt by Isabelle Eberhardt,1988 In the Shadow of Islam by Isabelle Eberhardt (Sharon Bangert, trans.), 1993 The Destiny of Isabelle Eberhardt by Cecily MacKworth, 1986 Two Ladies of Colonial Algeria : The Lives and Times of Aurelie Picard and Isabelle Eberhardt by Ursula Kingsmill Hart, 1987 "Pancho" Barnes/Florence Leontine Lowe Barnes-Pilot The Pancho Barnes Story Charles Brown/Charlotte Charke- Actress
Pictures of the artist Rosa Bonheur and wife, a picture of the certificate granting Bonheur permission to dress as a man, and Some of Bonheur's Art
Memorial to Gluck, and Gluck's art!
Billy Tipton, musician Bio and book Billy Tipton's music (in real audio), click on the real audio icon to listen.
Amy Bock
Jim Harris/Annie Lee Grant- "Grant passed as "Jim McHarris" for 20 years in order to get higher-paying "men's work." She worked as a short order cook, cab driver, gas station attendant, preacher and shipyard worker. Grant's secret was discovered when she was stopped for a traffic violation in 1954." (From http://www.blackstripe.com/blacklist/blacklist2.html The Blacklist
Willie Mae ("Big Mama") Thornton- For music sound clips go to http://www.ubl.com and search under the artist Big Mama Thornton Martino, Mario/Harriett wrote an autobiography entitled Emergence : a transsexual autobiography published in New York by Crown Publishers c1977. Phranc's Bio, bandleader Phranc, in a Dress!!! :0 Listen to Leslie Feinberg read from his work
Elizabeth Cobbs/Pete Smith Testified against her uncle and other KKK members in a church bombing case. Underwent gender reassignment surgery and lived as Pete Smith. Read more in her book Long Time Coming "Be fair and keep an open mind"- Elsie Harris' essay on Petric Smith More on Elizabeth Cobbs/Pete Smith And a very sad story
Emmon Ingalls Bodfish born Margaret Ingalls Bodfish, tragic murder and a wish to have a park in his memory. More Transgenders in History Female Cross-dressers- a great historic and international list! Daring Damsels (some were crossdressers) Fun Reads *Bev Greene's article in Oasis Magazine spotlighting a number of FtoM's in history Transsexual, transgender and Intersex History (http://www.transhistory.org is no more?) what a shame, it was an excellent page, with many FtoM's and MtoF's You don't know Dick: courageous hearts of transgendered men a film about some modern day women who have chosen to become men 20th century transgender history and experience A broader overview with some bios http://www.monitor.net/~candice/history/Class/index.htm - appears to no longer be available :-( Transgendered Saints Queer History's list of Transgendered saints Women who posed as men and became monks. MEDIEVAL EUROPE AND ISLAM--SAINTS *St Anastasia the Patrician *St Anna/Euphemianos *St Apollinaria/Dortheos *St Athanasia of Antioch *St Eugenia/Eugnios *St Hilaria/Hilarion *St Marina/Marinos *St Marina (2) *St Matrona/Babylas *St. Pelagia/Pelagios *St. Theodora/Theodorus *St. Euphrosyne/Smaragdus *St. Papula of Gaul *St Thekla *St Hildegonde of Neuss near Cologne [all the above women dressed and lived as men, usually monks] MY FAVORITE MOVIES Yentl, was based on his story Yentl the Yeshiva Boy (1983) Written by Isaac Bashevis Singer and starring Barbara Steisand Disney's MULAN- also based on a popular folk legend For a short synopsis see: The ballad of Mulan: China's Woman Warrior And of Course: The Ballad of Little Jo AND BOOKS And a few MtoF's in History (Present and Past) Christine Jorgensen Stella Walsh also know as Stanislawa Walasiewick Stella was an Olympic Medalist We'Wha Famous Zuni Berdache>lhamana who visited the Whitehouse in the late 1800's. Expert weaver, she shared her skills and talents openly in an effort to preserve her culture. Advocate of her people's rights she once threw 2 US soldiers out of her doorway. One got his coat tales stuck in the door and had to cut them off with is sword to escape. We'Wha was loved by all the children and even though she was the biggest and strongest of the Zuni's none of the politicians in Washington even questioned that she was a woman. To find out more about We'Wha read Will Roscoe's The Zuni Man-Woman Webpage on We'Wha Another page dedicated to We'Wha Picture of We'wha Picture 2 of We'wha Picture 3 of We'wha Picture 4 of We'wha Jan Morris (author of Conundrum, her autobiography, and several history and travel books) Kate Bornstein (author of Gender Outlaws) Georgina Beyer- out transgendered MtoF who is now an elected mayor! Read more in her book The Georgina Beyer story. Lady Chablis/Benjamin Edward Knox Hiding My Candy: The Autobiography of the Grand Empress of Savannah Nonfiction by The Lady Chablis (with Theodore Bouloukos) Copyright 1996, 208 pages, $14 (with photos)Pocket Books Division of Simon and Schuster READ MORE If you want to learn more about the remarkable people on this page check out these books on transgenders Transgender Bibliography CheckUsed Book Finderfor copies of out of print books. Remember: Just because you are different doesn't mean that you should feel bad about yourself. The creator of this universe thought diversity was a good thing, and that is why there are so many different types of animals in the world. If you read up on it you'd be amazed and the wonderful variety that exists in nature! FTM's links to More Bios of F2M's M2F's and supports and TG History Transgender Library Reading Room PFLAG's (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Article on "Our Transgendered Children" Significant Other's of TG's Reading List Transgender Bibliography "FTM" web page Gendertalk Listen to Gendertalk Radio Program (in real audio format) Visit the Historic Lesbian Couples Page Please Sign My Guestbook- sign anonymously if you want Sign Guestbook View Guestbook View Guestbook
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