This homepage will be a work-in-progress for a good long while; so, come back and see me later, OK?

Soooooooooooooooo, you wanta know my stats, eh? ~ Wellllllllllllll ((FLEX))*GayPose*((FLEX)) I'm 39 (OK, I'm Really 46, But That's My Final Story And I'm Sticking To It *W*I*N*K*) 5'11", 153#, Fit as a Fiddle, Full head of Grey/Brown hair, All my teeth, Green eyes, Left-handed, and I have a Tattoo. I also have a lover of 9 years, a son in Medical School, 2 priceless dogs, and a worthless #*%&$@ cat that we can't live without ~ Youknowwhatimsaying? ~ (I changed my age from 45 to 46 ~ that's because a year has transpired ~ not because I'm getting any more Honest!)

For fun (besides roaming the Web) I run every day at least 3 miles, workout daily at the gym, and I also love to rollerblade and ride my 10-speed bike when I can find the time. My partner loves to go to the movies; so, I see'em all, but don't ask me who played what part. I enjoy the movie for the moment, and then I dump that data to make room for new information (I'm not a hollywood groupie like HE is). My Absolute All-Time Favorite movies are these: Airplane ~ Young Frankenstein ~ The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

You may be wondering if I have a closet full of ladies wear? NO ... I don't do DRAG. Well, I do have a collection of rhinestone brooches, which I'll wear at the drop of a hat (and I'll drop the hat! *wink*) But I am really a khaki and buttondown kinda guy. I just LOVE starched cotton, don't YEW?

You may be wondering if I hang out near schoolgrounds in a trench coat with a sack of candy? NO ... those guys are usually HETEROsexual.

You may be wondering "What do GAY guys do"? Well, we do all the standard stuff at my house. We have laundry to do. We have a yard to maintain. We have pets to wash and care for. We shop for groceries. (I'm the Cook). We have 2 cars to keep up (I'm also handy with tools *wink*). Oh, and YES we do sleep in the same bed and have S*E*X. Sex occupies about the same amount of time in our lives as it does in straight folks' lives ~ ~ And yet, when the subject of GAY comes up, Your mind automatically Jumps to the SEX part! I find that Verrrrrrrrrrrry INTERESTING about YOU~YOU~YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You may be wondering about my "DECISION to Be Gay"? ~ ~ HAHAHAHAHAAHA! Could Y*O*U Decide To Be Gay? (I Don't Think So) Sooooo, what makes you think that I could just DECIDE to be gay?

OK, Here's My Theory, and this is just MY theory, based on MY understanding of MY own journey in this life. Two concepts come to mind right up front: (1.) A Sexual Continuum and (2.) Hormones.

(1.) The Sexual Continuum idea is that sexual orientation is not a black or white attribute. It's not either one way or the other. It's a continuum, with Homosexuality on one extreme and Heterosexuality on the opposite extreme. My sexual orientation falls at some point on that continuum, and I have moved on that continuum over time. At the age of 5 years old, I believe that I was somewhat closer to the middle of that continuum, BUT I was Very Clear at the age of 5 that I was attracted to other males in a VERY DIFFERENT way than most other little boys. Today, I am decidedly somewhere in the extreme Quadrant on the Homosexual end of the continuum. ~~ Have you heard of PAN-Sexual? That's what Bi-Sexuals in California call themselves. Isn't That F*U*N? I think California Pan-Sexuals are Soooooooooooooooooo Tres Bon!

(2.) HORMONES ~ During youth, hormones run high, and a guy can "Get-It-Up" for anything that moves and even for some things that don't move. But as one ages, and the hormonal levels subside, I believe that sexual orientation becomes much more important in sexual arousal. (Reminder: This is MY theory) ~~ Now about those things that Don't Move: Watermelons and Mudbank-Pussy come to mind (Right, Guys?) Those are HOT items when you're with a bunch of 14-yr-old guys skinnydipping down at the creek ~ But try Gettin-It-Up for a Mudbank-Pussy when you're 46 ~ Better pack a lunch. You'll need it!

Now for the DECISION part. The only Decision in this picture is the decision to accept or to deny one's sexual orientation. In the USA many gay guys decide to deny their homosexuality in order to fit in and live up to the expectations of their family and their culture. The person is still gay, but is denying it. This is VERRRRRRY stressful. Here Are Some Awesome FACTS: (1) Teen Suicide is 4 Times greater among Gay Teens than straight teens. and (2) Substance Abuse is 30% in the Gay Population vs 10% in the General Population. CONCLUSION: "It's Not Easy Being GREEN" ~ Youknowwhatimsaying? ~~

But HEY, while we're talking about "DECISION" ~ Which implies "CHOICE" ~ How about the idea of making a Decision to choose a more humane church to belong to and a more humane political party to vote for ??? ~ those are two things in your life that are NOT HARD-WIRED and that you CAN change. There is N*O*T*H*I*N*G Genetic About being Baptist Or Republican, Sports Fans ~

R*E*C*R*U*I*T*I*N*G ~ ((Uncle SAM Want's Y*O*U)) ~ this topic is reserved for future development ~ ((AirSplitz))*GayPose*((AirSplitz))

Soooooooooooooo ~ WHY ARE PEOPLE GAY? ~ ~ That's an interesting issue ~ ~ But The Basic Problem isn't WHY people are gay ~ ~ People *A*R*E* Gay, Sugar ~ and The Problem is one of Equality and Protection from Discrimination ~

Maybe I should also point out that Being Gay is not JUST about having SameSex sexual relations. Is Being HETEROsexual JUST about having Sex? ~ Try to approach this in a "same~same" frame of mind, OK? ~ So, Being Gay is about Who You're Attracted to, both Emotionally and Physically for Intimacy. It's about who you want to spend your time with. It's about who you come home to. It's about who you wash the dog with and go to church with. It's about who you want to care for and grow old with. SEE? It's The Same, Eh? ~

Here's a little history of the GAY PRIDE movement. If you haven't heard of that ~ Y*O*U***W*I*L*L. ~(~(~TWIRL~)~)~ *LEAP* ~(~(~TWIRL~)~)~

Over the centuries, gay folks have not been treated with equality in most cultures of the world. They have generally been viewed as deficient and they have been often persecuted. So it was in the USA until about 30 years ago -- the beginning of Gay PRIDE on the planet earth. In New York City, the policemen often raided gay bars and other gay meeting places and arrested folks, often beating them up and verbally abusing them in the process. This was acceptable behavior at the time, not only in New York but throughout the USA.

When JUDY GARLAND died, the gay community went into mourning. She was a friend of the gay community from the time of her starring in The Wizard Of OZ. You Might Think Of JUDY GARLAND as The PATRON SAINT of the Gay Community. So, there was an air of sorrow that night at THE STONEWALL BAR on Manhattan when it was raided by a gang of police, who proceeded to shove people around, make arrests, and verbally abuse the patrons (Not A Good Night To Pick On The "FAGS"). The gay crowd became angry and began fighting back -- This had never happened before -- E*V*E*R*! The police called for reinforcements -- the gay folks began to riot - throwing things at the police, turning over police cars (Can You BELIEVE It?), shouting obscenities at the police. This was an HISTORIC EVENT in the history of ALL GAY PEOPLE on the planet EARTH. It is considered to be the beginning of the movement for equality under the law for gay people. Every year for over 29 years there have been parades in the USA in the month of June in the cities where major gay populations reside. The Gay PRIDE movement has spread to Europe, Australia, and other places on Earth where there are gay communities.

The gay community has become organized and has begun to flex it's political muscle. We have used our influence to get laws removed that discriminate against us. And we are working to have gay marriage recognized in the USA as it is in Holland and Denmark and some other countries.

The Fundamentalists of our country are working against us very hard. (Jesus Would Be INCREDULOUS ~ Youknowwhatimsaying?) Incidentally, did ya know that the +Georgia changed their state motto during this last legislative session? Yes they Did. "WE PUT THE 'FUN' IN FUNDAMENTALIST EXTREMISM". Don't you Love It?

In January 98, the company for which I work, offered domestic partner benefits to the employees of the company. I have added my partner to my insurance benefits as part of my family. Over 500 major corporations in the USA have already done this. It is a result of the gay folks of this country coming out of the closet to be visible and demanding equality.

This is an historic time for the gay community, and I feel PASSIONATE about the issues. You noticed, right? *wink*



When You Meet Gay/Lesbian People:

1. Do not run screaming from the room. This is rude.

2. If you must back away, do so slowly and with discretion.

3. Do not assume they are attracted to you.

4. Do not assume they are NOT attracted to you.

5. Do not expect them to be as excited about meeting a heterosexual as you may be about meeting a gay person.

6. Do not immediately start talking about your boy/girlfriend or husband/wife in order to make it clear that you are straight.

7. Do not ask them how they got that way. Instead, ask yourself how you got the way you are.

8. Do not assume they are dying to talk about being gay.

9. Do not expect them to refrain from talking about being gay.

10. Do not trivialize their experience by assuming it is a bedroom issue only. They are gay 24 hours a day.


Here's Some Of My Standard SHTICK ~ Feel Free To Use What You Like And Leave The Rest ~ OK?


~ EXCUUUUUUUUUUUZE ME? (eyes sparking)

~ Yeeeeee Haaaaaa (Throws hat in air)

~ Wellllllllll H*e*l*l*l*l*o*o*o*o*o (seductive smile)

~ Miss THANG! ~ GURL! (hands on hips)

~ You Jus TRASH Dat Won't Burn!

~ You Jus A Lost Ball In High Weeds!

~ You Jus A BUG On Da Windshield Of My Life ~(~(SPLAT)~)~

~ Youknowwhatimsaying?

~ Not The Brightest Crayon In The Box Now, Are We (Church Lady Look)

~ Isn't There A 12-Step Meeting Right Now That YOU Should Be In?

~ You Rode The SHORT Bus To School Didn't Ya ~ FOOL!

Allrighty then, I gotta stop for now, but I'll get back to this and add to it.

Hey, sign my guestbook, eh? And tell me what you think. If you're just here to BASH me ~ You Need To Get Over Yo CHEAP, Ignorant Self! ~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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