Puppie's Kennel 

Hi there :) Thanks 4 coming 2 my kennel.Hehehe.. This is my 1st attempt in creating a homepage, & I did everything myself, so please hor dun complain 2 much hehehe. Lemme c.. y is this called puppie's kennel leh... well.. I use the handle "puppie", "Cutedwogy", "housefly" etc etc.whenever I m in irc ( Internet Relay Chat 4 those dat r 2 blur 2 noe wat they stand 4 ) or in Java chatrooms. Usually frens called me puppie ( even on the streets hehehe imagine.. walking in Orchard Road & then someone yell "Puppie!!!" 2 warrant my attention , which of course warrant everyone else's attention :P ) Though frens also call me by my real name "Royston" nice name hor ? :) ( got licence 1 hor )

erm.. i guess dat u all come here sure wanna noe some stuff abt me 1 lor.. so here goes~`````

Name: Boh Kian Wee, Royston aka puppie~ 
<== cute pic hor ?

Birthday: 04-08-79 ( hey must REMEMBER hor & b AUTOMATIC hor :P )

Sex: erm.. last time I check was male now dunno got change o not hehehe ( dat tells u much abt my sexuality huh :P )

Height: Not tall *sigh* 165 cm lah...

Weight: Slim 54kg.. cannot gain weight leh need ppl 2 pamper me leh hehehe

Things I like 2 do: I like many many things in life. Simple joys like reading a book, strolling along beaches ( romantic hor hehehe ), admiring scenery...i like read books especially Adventure Fantasy or Gothic Horrors. I like drawing stuff too( inspired by bouts of boredom :P ..& sometimes by bouts of melancholy ;( ) . oh ! I like cute cute stuff , like soft toys, cartoons, pics, figurines, etc etc. strange 4 a guy huh :P i guess i would neber grow up. I do go 2 discos sometimes & i do gym very occasionally.

Aiyah.. enuf said... if u still wanna see how I look like & noe more abt me click on this 

If u wanna noe more abt my present marital status??? & wat i would like in my partner click on this

If u wanna view my extensive porn collection, click on this

If u wanna c some of my fav. links 2 dunno where click on this 

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Anyway....if u wanna ..ahem..go after me ( or at least wanna b my fren lah ) hehehehe , do email me at Cutedwogy@geocities.com