Casey's Domain
Where have I been?
Where am I now?
Where am I going?

Europe at 17
Study Abroad
In the USA


Personal Essay

Hello and welcome to the site I have put together. Its purpose is twofold. I graduate in May with a B.A. in Economics, a Certificate of International Business, and minor in French. I thought it would be to my advantage to showcase my resume and accomplishments. In addition I have traveled to many places and met many people. I know it's hard to keep in touch with everyone all the time but I thought it would be nifty to make a site where far away friends could visit to see what I was up to. I hope that you enjoy and urge you to give me an email to tell me what you think about my site. Casey......

Bonjour je m'appelle Casey et je vous souhaite la bienvenue à mon site. Il s'agit de deux buts. J'aurai mon diplome en mai, Maitrise Economie, Affaires Internationales, et français. Je pensais d'avantage d'avoir un site oú on peut regarder facilement mon CV et ce qui consiste de ma vie. En plus j'ai rencontré plein de gens dans mes voyages et je sais bien que c'est difficile à maintenir le contact. Donc je fais ce site pour eux aussi, pourqu'ils puissent voir comment ça se passe. J'espère que vous aimez bien et vous pouvez aussi m'envoyer un email. Keici.

The beach, The ocean
Pac Beach near San Diego. How to spend a great sat afternoon.

I want to see the world, I want to live elsewhere, but I will never forget my origin

World Traveler
Czech Rep, EU, Tunisia, Hong Kong, Australia