Frank and Shanes Family Home

Date Last Updated : 06/04/98
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Welcome to our Web Page. Shane and I will have been together
for 3 years, April 9th, 1998. Shane is from New Hampshire and I
am a native of So. California. We have two dogs, one named
Snuggles and the other named, Oscar. We have 4 cats, Gizmo,
Cuddles, Butchy, and Annie. We live in Sun Valley. We lived with
my Grandmother until 12/3/97, when she passed away. Grandma left
me her house where we still live. She has built this house with
my grandfather nearly 50 years ago. You can see her on my Special
Memorial page I set up for her. Click /WestHollywood/Village/5250/Grandma.htm.
I lived with her for many many years to keep her company, help
her, and ultimatly care for her. My Parents are Guiseppe and
Connie. I have 2 younger brothers, Vito and Joey. They are
married and have children. Shane's Parents are Peter and Janice.
Shane is the youngest of 3 boys. His brothers are Corey and
Chris. Corey is married and has a child. Shane works for Home
Depot. I work at a Credit Research company and work for Excel
Communications. (If you want 10 cents a minute for long distance
24 hrs a day, 7 days a week with no strings, e-mail me, I will
sign you right up or fill you in on the details. Why pay for TV
advertising when Excel uses the personal touch and passes the
savings on to you ! If your interested, you just say,"yes, I
want it", and I do the rest to get you up and running with
great savings. Its that simple!) We also have ICQ numbers : Frank
# 2486427, Shane # 2495544 Check out one of our friend, Randy L.
Kidd's, HomePage and Randys other great page, "Pen-Pals
Inmate Personal Ad Exchange". Pen-Pals is a page that really
takes special people to participate in. So be special ! Both of
these sites are on Franks Favorite Links Page.
Here are our pictures :
This is me, Frank

Click the mailbox to e-mail Frank
And here is Shane, below !

Click the mailbox to e-mail Shane
Shane has been working very hard on putting his
family tree together. He has sent letters even as far as Italy to
get deeper and deeper into his family roots. Shane has a Web Site
of his own (still under construction) dedicated to his Family
Tree. Check it out ! Click below to check out Shanes Family Tree
Web Page.
here to go to Shanes "Marro Family Tree Web Pages"
here to go to Franks Favorite Links/Sites
here to go to Frank and Shanes Photo Album
here to go to Zanys (aka Frank) page
here to go to my Grandmothers Memorial Page
Visit our friend, Randy L. Kidd's Castle Home
Page and all his wonderful pages and links !

Site is always under construction, check
back now and then !
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