Welcome Guests. Luncheon following service on 1st, 3rd,
and 5th Sundays. All are
Doubt, a Parable Theatre Tuscaloosa at Shelton
State Com. College Feb
20-Mar 1
The Sound of Music Theatre Tuscaloosa
at Shelton State Com. College June 19-28
Book of the Month Club meets 3rd Sunday
after lunch. All are welcome.
· Game Night
meets last Friday of each month in the library at 6 pm. All are welcome
· Links
Contact Us
Internet links
Welcome to the God’s House Community Church
website. This site has been prepared
to acquaint you with our church. Here
you will find announcements of coming events, plus information on the beliefs
and ministry of the church, church history, and a calendar of events for the
entire year.
If you
are living or visiting in the west Alabama
area, we invite you to come and enjoy meaningful worship and fellowship. We are an independent Christian
congregation that believes that classism, racism, sexism and other social
discriminations do not belong in the church.
God loves ALL people! All
people are welcome to worship in God’s House.
The Annual Congregational Meeting of the Church was
held following a luncheon on Sunday, January 11. Proposals included the following:
A Book of the Month discussion will be held following
the 3rd Sunday luncheon.
The first book to be read and discussed will be Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the
World by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter. Copies of the book are available at the
The Church Fellowship and Game
Night has been moved to the last Friday of each
month at 6 pm in the library.
Attendees who desire may bring a snack. All are welcome.
A Donation Drive to benefit a children’s Summer Camp and the Good Samaritan
Clinic will be held during the 6 weeks of Lent.
A used cell phone drive will be
held during the month of December.
A church cleaning hour will be
held following lunch on each 5th Sunday. These cleaning hours will be held on
March 29, May 31, August 30, and November 29, 2009.
Church members will raise money to
purchase a lawnmower for the church.
Flowers for worship
Members have been contributing to the worship service
by providing beautiful flowers for the altar and offerings table throughout
the year. The floral contributions
are enjoyed by everyone and much appreciated.
Enjoy working with children?
Children attend the worship service regularly and we
are looking for a few willing volunteers to rotate during Children’s Church during the sermon
time. The Children’s Church begins
after the Children’s Message when all children go to the Library for a
story, snack and other activities.
They return in time for Communion with their families. If you are interested in helping with our
pre-school children during worship, please speak with Reverend Lowe. If you are interested in giving the
Children’s Message, please talk with Reverend Lowe or Reverend Loper.
Do you have a green thumb?
You can
help: If you can mow the church
lawn or do trimming around the church once during the warm months, please
tell Rev. Helene Loper. The help will be much appreciated.
Photos of the Church:
A False Focus on My
Family. Why every person of faith should be deeply troubled by Dr. James
Dobson’s dangerous and misleading words about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender community.
From Covenant Community
Church in Birmingham:
Times: A Newsletter of Covenant
Community Church.

Cataloging the church library was completed on June
30, 2008 with more than 3,500 items in the online catalog. See the online catalog here:
Recently, Library Thing (the host provider) has
added a home page for our catalog that features a photo of our worship
center and covers of recent items added to the catalog.
Our focus is now on adding additional shelving space
and organizing the books on the shelves.
If you are interested in working with others on this project,
please see Don Bell.
Future plans call for creating a good CD and DVD
collection. If you are interesting
in donating appropriate books, CDs, or DVDs, please see Rev. Lowe, Rev. Loper, or Don Bell.
Archive of Past News Items
October 31-November 2, 2008: Reverend Loper conducts Soulforce
Alabama Retreat at Oak
Mountain State
July 18-29, 2008: Reverend Loper is a speaker and facilitator
at the Soulforce Alabama Retreat at Lake Guntersville
State Park.
June 30, 2008: Online library catalog completed with more than 3,500 items cataloged.
June 2008:
An inspection of the purchased building was been done and a
report of its condition and needed repairs was given to the church (as of
June 22). The report was read and
discussed by the Church Board. Due to
the high cost of repairing and renovating the building, he Church Board
decided to demolish the building.
June 2008:
Reverend Loper attended a Soulforce
Conference in Washington,
May 5, 2008: Item 3000 was added to the online library catalog.
April 7, 2008: The purchase of an adjoining building was finalized and the papers
signed. The building will be a
classroom building with meeting space for community groups. Rev. Lowe is receiving training toward
becoming a Certified Addictions Counselor, and the building will be used for
this ministry. Too, some community
groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, will meet there.
March 23, 2008: A Lenten Fundraiser was held from February 6 through March 23 to
benefit two charities: the Summer Camp for HIV-Positive Children, and the
Samaritan Clinic. $1,214.62 was
raised, divided equally, and given to the two charities.
January 8, 2008: Item number 2000 was added to the church’s online library catalog.
October 23,
2007: Item number 1000 was added
to the church’s online library catalog.
September 15,
2007: The Day of Equality, sponsored by Equality Alabama, was held on
Saturday, September 15 throughout the day at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic
Center in Downtown
Birmingham. Free classes and workshops
were held during the day, and a banquet was held that night featuring an
address by internationally-known author, speaker, and Soul Force founder, Mel
White. The church had an exhibit table
and a banquet table for 8 persons.
September 2,
2007: Rev. Loper
and Rev. Lowe attended an Addictions Counselors Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
July 29,
2007: The 5th Anniversary of the church was observed on July 29
with a special 11:00 a.m. musical worship service featuring the guitar and
original music of Dana Clark. A
devotional was given by Susie Hodges.
Dana and Susie sang an original duet to end the service. Dana and Susie are from Columbus, Mississippi. About 31 people attended. Following the service, everyone went to the
ministers’ home for a pot-luck luncheon and an afternoon of swimming, games
and fellowship.
June 2007: The NUCOR Steel Corporation has planted
150 six-foot crape myrtle trees along Holt Road leading to the church. The crape myrtles are on the steel plant
side of the street. These trees will
grow and add much beauty to the neighborhood in coming years.
June 2007: Building repair: The church building has a new slanted
metal roof that we are all grateful for.
Work was begun on the new roof about May 23 and was finished by June
29. New ceiling tiles were then
installed in the sanctuary.
April 2007: The Lenten Fundraiser for two charities; Summer Camp at Camp McDowell
for children with HIV and the Good Samaritan Clinic, netted $2,209.00 of
which $1,104.50 was sent to each of these fine programs. Thanks for supporting the Bingo night and
the Kettle Drive.
April 8,
2007: The Mary Beth Brown Memorial Rose Garden was dedicated during the
Easter Sunday worship service. In
spite of the severe drought, the bushes have been in constant bloom
throughout the summer. Stop by the
rose garden to enjoy the beauty as you come into the sanctuary for worship.
Updated Jan. 12, 2009.