Russ & Tony


Russ & Tony-Country Park, Greensboro, NC-1987

Russ and I celebrated life and love together here on the physical plane for twenty glorious years. He is now in the spiritual world waiting for me. Russ would be 89 now and I am presently 48. There is a term used to describe couples like ourselves, "intergenerational"; which seems apt and appropriate. We do span the generations with our relationship of 41 years difference.

We met through an ad I placed in a local weekly entertainment/events paper in late 1986. After two months of delightful correspondence and phone conversations we finally met; and the rest was like a dream come true for us both. We feel so fortunate to have found an everlasting love.

Before I share links to sites of interest to other committed gay couples like us, I would like to share a little about ourselves. Russ is a retired European history professor and I, Tony, was employed from 1978-1998 in the activities department of a nursing home. We have traveled extensively and have a wide variety of interests.

We both enjoy watching a sunset in each other's arms while sipping a glass of wine, or snuggling up on the sofa to watch a good movie on video....the simple pleasures all loving couples enjoy.

On May 23rd, 1999 my beloved suffered a dreadful embolic stroke in front of a supermarket. He was left with damage to the occipital lobe of his brain, leaving him unable to read (a major joy of his life). He was able to walk with a walker for a long time, but eventually had to use a wheelchair and finally became bedridden the last two years of his life. Our sense of humor got us through it all, but it wasn't easy.

I miss him terribly and long to be with him again.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Country Park-1989



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Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, filling it with a steady and perpetual serenity.--Joseph Addison

The peace of mind that you're looking for is present all the time. --Joan Borysenko

The universal soul is the lone creator of the useful and the beautiful...Here the omnipotent agent is Nature...the representative of the universal mind. -- Emerson

We think in generalities, but we live in detail.-- Alfred North Whitehead

You can't shake hands with a clenched fist.-- Indira Gandhi

All human wisdom is summed up in two words--wait and hope. --Alexandre Dumas the Elder

We wish you much happiness on your journey through Life : - )

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Links to other sites on the Web

GLARP-The Gay and Lesbian Association of Retiring Persons
Gay And Gray
Gayellow Pages
Gay Retirement Guide
Gay & Lesbian Adult Retirement Community
American Society on Aging
GAYZOO-Groovy Gay Links

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