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Thank you for visiting my world, I'm in --->Tucson, AZ. <---
Hello all and WELCOME to my space on the web! That's me, and yes my name is JAKE :) If ya wanna know more about me CLICK on my PICTURE. Thank You for visiting!!
See what's happening in Tucson today with the online edition of the......
The Observer, Tucson's Gay & Lesbian Newspaper
Are you looking for a Gay ole time in Tucson here are a few suggestions......
Rainbow Planet Coffee House (My personal favorite)
It's About Time - IBT's Tucson's most popular gay bar on 4th Ave..
Unique on Central , 2900 E. Broadway Tucson's newest gay spot, an all purpose gift shop
This is a typical Arizona sunset, life's rough here in Arizona . =:+)
We also have
some of the most picturesque mountain ranges and deserts that surround the
city. Yes it does get abit warm here in the summer time but it's
nothing that we can't handle!!!
As any good "Zonie" knows San Diego is the place to go
in the summer to cool off,,,This is me on the beach in front of the Hotel
Del Coronado...
To See San Diego Click On My Picture!!!!!!!
Ok I'll admit Tucson isn't
the only place to see great sunsets, San Diego might have afew too!
This is a picture of my best friend
One last thing I'm thinking of adding a page with all the diffrent cites
of my visitors so if you wouldn't mind PLEASE email me with where your surfing
the web from.......... Thanks for Visiting
A Cool page to visit and a fellow Tucsonan!
Just a cool guy & HOT Stuff too, check out his webpage!
Brian's Valentine
Search for other gay related
homepages and internet sites here.
SAM Help a mother find her son!
Secret Admirer Find out if that person you have a crush on likes you!!
Match.com Looking for love on the net?
United Airlines Found love on the net, and now you have to travel?
The White House Go ahead step up to the soapbox, believe me they really do read their email!!
Qplanet Queer Stuff
UPDATED 01/11/97