Hi, I'm Daphne. Daphne Louise Corsaire to be exact. I am 41 and currently married, 3 kids and three dogs. 5'10" (barefoot) brown hair (my real hair that is) and blue eyes that turn green when I don my blonde wig.

I am all moved in to my geocities home, just need to unpack. Imagine that...a crossdresser with baggage. LOL!!!

It has been ages since I updated this old page, but ALOT has changed. Still married and planning (hoping) to stay that way.
I only get to go out on the town all dolled up when I am away on business. I enjoy pursuing my fantasies and having fun!!! I am a BI, CD in KS. Sounds messy huh? I don't go out as often as I used to. *frown* I've taken control of my destiny to keep Daphne in check. Daphne is fun, but got me into alot of trouble and jeopardized my career. It is still a necessity and quite vital to my sanity...or whats left of it. *BG*

I have a digital camera now so even more clear pics, YEAH!!! Pics all taken!!! I'll post them as soon as I get them. Many thanks to the new friends who took them for me :)!!!

Well, I finally started that friends page, got permission now, too!!! (from some anyway) Growing by the day! FRIENDS!!!

The first two are "maid" to order!! *S* NEWEST PICS!! (finally something new since January)

PAGE THREE! ;)!!! --> Some of my best work!!

Here is yet another page! *S* Here are some OLDER pics!

BRAND NEW PICS!! (just took them) *G* Just about every outfit I own!

Drop me a line if you like.


Email me at: dcorsaire@yahoo.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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Well, I think I am up to the challenge now. I was born a man, of course. I guess I can vaguely remember playing around in Mom's closet..high heels and stuff. I used to hide there when playing hide and seek. I always did love the perfume she wore, though I never knew the name...still don't. Don't remember much form age 5-10...kinda vague. I had a kinda rough childhood, but not as rough as some.

It all came to life when I was 14... the first time I can remember trying on something feminine. It felt so good!! Since then it has been off and on. Whenever I could get the chance. My SO always knew about Daphne. I have dressed for her and we have had some fun with it. However, my apetite has outgrown hers. I have the need for more and she is fine with the way things are. Sadly this will mean the demise of my marriage. We will still be friends. You don't love someone for 13 years and then just not care anymore. Besides, three kids still know me as Dad. I know I'll never be 'done' being a Dad, but I have to be happy or I won't be a very good one.

I am trying to find what it is I really want out of life..I thought I knew. If I seem eager to try new things it is because I am trying to make up for 20 years of wondering. At least NOW I know I AM bisexual. Always wondered about that. I love women and men equally...each sex has different things to offer. Let me clarify that a little in that I can be with a woman as either a boy or a girl, but if I am gona be with a man, honey, I just GOTTA be a girl!! Not really sure where I am headed with this just yet..have to dig through 20 years of rubble. I am getting closer to the answer all the time. I am sure it will come to me in a brilliant flash and then I will know.

One thing is for certain, the need to be Daphne is stronger than ever. Its like trying to satisfy two people. Commitments on one hand... 'drab' and happiness and other needs on the other...Daphne. Just a few more years and I'll be more free to do as I please. Looking forward to those days in order to sort things out without outside influences interrupting things. UH-OH!! Got a little deep there...sorry. *S* The inner turmoil will cease someday. Until that day...In the words of a thespian(Betty Davis)..fasten your seatbelts we're in for a bumpy ride. (or something like that) Hope I didn't bore you..take care and enjoy page two and page three and all the pages.!!!

My favorite place to chat was: Susan's Place

If I am not there I am usually in the Open Chat at: Donna's Den

A wonderfully helpful makeup site is: #Crossdress

Here is a possible 'hair relief' product, check it out for yourself... Ultimate Hair Away

Another fine link!!!

Check out the prettiest girls on the web.....Proud Member

Stop by Lucy's on the web......Girl stuff!!

Visit TGGuide, an excellent resource for all Transgendered people......TGGUIDE!!