- A&U Magazine - from USA
- Adelaide GT (Gay Times) - from Adelaide, Australia
- The Advocate - from USA
- AGY Magazine - from USA?
- aK Magazine - from Zurich, Switzerland
- Alternative - from Kansas City, Missouri, USA
- Alternative Family Magazine - from USA
- Ambush - from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Amigo - from Praha, Czech Republic
- Anything That Moves - from USA
- Arrow Magazine - from USA
- Au Coin Magazine - from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (last update 1998)
- Babilonia - from Italy
- Baltimore Alternative - from Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Baltimore Gay Paper - from Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Bay Area Reporter - from San Francisco, California, USA
- Bay Windows - from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Below the Belt - from USA
- Bent : A Journal of CripGay Voices - from USA
- BETA (Bulletin of Experimental Treatments for AIDS) - from San Francisco, California, USA
- Bi Community News - from London, England
- Bi the Way - from Adelaide, Australia
- Black Inches - from USA (male erotica)
- Black Sheets - from San Francisco, California, USA
- BLIKK - from Norway
- Blithe House Quarterly - 'A quarterly literary magazine for gay short fiction'
- Bossy Magazine - from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- The Boston Phoenix - One in Ten - from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Brother Sister - from Australia
- CapitalGay: Gay and Lesbian Online Magazine - from England?
- Capital XTRA! - from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- The Church-Wellesley Review: A Quarterly Review of Lesbian and Gay Writing - from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Circles - from USA
- Circuit Noize - from Studio City, California, USA
- Coastal Bend Community Press - from Ingleside, Texas, USA (last update 6/97)
- Community News On-Line - from Florida, USA
- Core Newsmagazine - from West Hollywood, California, USA
- critical inQueeries - from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Cuir Underground - from San Francisco, California, USA
- Curve - from USA
- Dallas Voice - from Dallas, Texas, USA
- DeFrank News - from San Jose, California, USA
- Diva - from England
- Diversity - from Boise, Idaho, USA
- DRAGÜN magazine - from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Dwan - from Bellefont, Pennsylvania, USA
Echo Magazine - from Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Electronic Gay Community Magazine - from Wichita, Kansas, USA
- Elight! - from Manassas, Virginia, USA
- The Emancipator - from Montclair, New Jersey, USA
- Empathy - from USA
- Etcetera Magazine - from Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- EXP Magazine - from St. Louis, Missouri, USA
- Expos'e Magazine - from Ohio, USA
- The Express - from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
- express - from Auckland, New Zealand
- F***sheet: The Journal of Gay Men Fighting AIDS - from London, England
FAB! - from Los Angeles, California, USA
- FAB National - from Canada
- Femme - from Dallas, Texas, USA
- Flash - 'The Deaf Queer Community E-zine'
- Fountain - from Hollywood, Florida, USA (last update 11/98)
- The Front Page - from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
- Frontiers - from USA
- Fugues - from Québec, Canada
- G! Web - from Brazil
- Gai Pied Hebdo - from France
- Gay & Lesbian Times - San Diego, California, USA
- Gay Black Female (GBF) Magazine - from USA
- Gay Chicago Magazine - from Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Gay Ottawa Now - from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Gay Parent Magazine - from Forest Hills, New York, USA
- Gay Place Online Magazine - from USA
- Gay SA News Magazine - from Houghton, South Africa
- Gay Times - from England
- Gay Today - from USA
- Gayly Oklahoman - from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
- GaySports Guide - from USA
- GayWest - from Key West, Florida, USA
- The GayZette - from Hartsdale, New York, USA (under construction; former site: June - Sept. '97 issues)
- Genders - from Boulder, Colorado, USA
- Genre - from USA
- Gerbil - from USA
- Girlfriends - from USA
- GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies - from Durham, North Carolina, USA (access is through Duke University Press Journals)
- The Guide Magazine - from USA
- Handjobs Magazine - from Seattle, Washington, USA (male erotica)
- The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review - from USA
- Hero - from USA
- Holy Titclamps - from San Francisco, California, USA
- Hot Spots! - from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
- Houston Voice - from Houston, Texas, USA
- H2oMO Magazine - 'A Magazine for Gay Youth' - from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- HX for Her - from New York, New York, USA
- HX Magazine - from New York, New York, USA
- Impact - from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- In Step - from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (last update 8/03) (ceased publication)
- In The Life: The Lesbian & Gay Newspaper of New York and the Tri-State Area - from Wappinger Falls, New York, USA
- Inches - from USA (male erotica)
- Instinct - from USA
- International Gay & Lesbian Review - from West Hollywood, California, USA
- Island Lifestyle Magazine - from Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA
- Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services - contents and abstracts provided by BUBL Information Service, Glasgow, Scotland (Vol.2, 1995- )
- Journal of Lesbian Studies - contents and abstracts provided by BUBL Information Service, Glasgow, Scotland (Vol.1, 1997- )
- Kabaklaan - 'Filipino Queer Cybermagazine'
- KeKe(c) - from Ljubljana, Slovenia (last update 11/97)
Las Vegas Bugle - from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Lavender Magazine - from Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Law & Sexuality : A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Legal Issues - from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Lesbian and Gay Archivist - from Canada
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes - from USA
Lesbo - from Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Liberty Press - from Wichita, Kansas, USA
Los Angeles Girl Guide Magazine - from Los Angeles, California, USA (last update 5/99)
Løvetann - from Oslo, Norway
MÁSOK - from Budapest, Hungary
Masque - 'literary & art magazine' - from Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
Matrices: A Lesbian and Lesbian Feminist Research and Network Newsletter - from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (last update 6/96)
Metroline - from Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Miamigo - from Miami Beach, Florida, USA
Mom Guess What Newspaper - from Sacramento, California, USA (last update 12/98)
Monk Magazine - from USA
Muffmonsters on Prozac with Fagboys on Losec - from Belfast, Northern Ireland
Naked Magazine - from West Hollywood, California, USA (last update 6/96)
The National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law - from USA
New York Blade News - from New York, New York, USA
Nightlines - from Chicago, Illinois, USA
The Normal Heart - from Mesilla, New Mexico, USA
O Pothos - from Thessaloniki, Greece
Oasis - 'Online magazine for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth' - from USA
Oblivion - from San Francisco, California, USA
The Observer - from Tucson, Arizona, USA
OG Magazine - from Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA (male erotica)
On Our Backs - from USA
Orientations - from Quebec, Canada
Our World: International Gay & Lesbian Travel Magazine - from USA
Out - from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Out in Black - from USA
Out in Maui - from Kahului, Hawai'i, USA
Out in the Mountains - from Burlington, Vermont, USA
OUT Las Vegas - from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Out! Magazine - from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
OUT! Magazine - from New Zealand
Outlines - from Chicago, Illinois, USA
Outlooks - from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Outpunk - from San Francisco, California, USA
OutSmart Magazine - from Houston, Texas, USA
Outspoken - from Missoula, Montana, USA
OutSpoken: A Queer Publication from East Hawaii - from Pahoa, Hawai'i, USA
OUTword - from Des Moines, Iowa, USA
The Paper - from Monterey, California, USA
Parterre Box: The Queer Opera Zine - from New York, New York, USA
Philadelphia Gay News - from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The Pillar - from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (last update 1/99)
Pink Ink - from Thailand
Pink Time Magazine - from Israel (in Hebrew script only)
Planet Q Magazine - from USA
PlanetOut - from USA
POZ - from USA
POZ en Español - from USA
Q-Notes - from Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Q San Francisco - from San Francisco, California, USA
qc Magazine - from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (last update 11/97?)
Queer View - 'Bilingual Movie Magazine' - from Germany
Queer Zine Explosion - from San Francisco, California, USA
Queers Online - from Canada
QX - from Stockholm, Sweden
qx magazine - from London, England
Revolver - from Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ripe Magazine - from Forest Hills, New York, USA
River City Beat - from Omaha, Nebraska, USA
San Francisco Frontiers - from San Francisco, California, USA
SBC - 'The magazine for the Africentric homosexual and their friends' - from USA
Scoop Cyber Magazine (Under Construction - last update 11/97)
ScotsGay - from Scotland
Seattle Gay News - from Seattle, Washington, USA
Sergej - from Berlin, Germany
Sestre - from Slovenia
Sexualities - from London, England
She - The Source for Women - from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Shout! - from Yorkshire, England (last update 2/98)
SIEGESSÄULE - from Berlin, Germany
Skyjack: For Gay People Who Like to Fly - from Houston, Texas, USA
The Slant - from Corte Madera (Marin County), California, USA
Sneer: A Queerzine Cooler Than You - from Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Southern Exposure Entertainment Guide - from Key West, Florida, USA
Southern Voice - from Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Spectrum Weekly - from Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Stonewall Journal - Columbus, Ohio, USA
Straight to Hell: The Manhattan Review of Unnatural Acts - from New York, New York, USA
Sydney Star Observer - from Darlington, New South Wales, Australia
Têtu - from Paris, France
TWN - The Weekly News - from Miami, Florida, USA
Update - from San Diego, California, USA
Venus - "for People of African Descent In The Life" - from Hastings, New York, USA
Venus Magazine - from Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Vulcan - from England (male erotica)
Washington Blade - from Washington, D.C., USA
Watermark - from Orlando, Florida, USA
Wayves - from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Whosoever - 'An Online Magazine for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Christians' - from Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Windy City Times - from Chicago, Illinois, USA
The Wisconsin Light - from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Women On Women - from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (last update 3/98?)
Word - from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Xenogeny - from Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Xtra - from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
XY Magazine - from USA
Zipper - from England (male erotica)
Zoneblue - from London, England (male erotica)