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I'm TarHeel Babe, an avowed, proud Southern Belle. My real name is Marti. Kind of a genderish-vanilla, don't you think?
Regardless, it's mine and it fits me just fine. Internally, I'm equal parts male and female. Externally, I dress however the mood suits me. In other words, I dress to express .. not impress. Well, maybe a little to impress.
This site is a tribute to the ladies of the south ... the transgendered ones. I hate those labels. You know the ones I mean. There's CD, TV, TG, TS and a host of others that try to categorize "special" Southern Belles. Personally, I hate labels (except those the fashion designers put on clothes). Ever since I started reading all those warnings, I almost starved to death. Great for the girlish figure. But, I feel like I have that "Little Shop of Horrors" plant inside me screaming, "Feed Me!"
If you are a "Southern Belle," I'd love to have your picture (tastefully done, of course) to hang on the walls. You could include a biography and I'll put it in one of my coffee table books. And, if you have any tips on how to look like a proper Southern Lady, I'll put them in one of the many dressing rooms. My Southern Belle Picture Gallery is finally starting to grow with pretty pictures of the lovely ladies of the South. Drop in the Gallery and admire their beauty.
If you aren't from the South and want to become a Southern Belle, please fill out my Application to Become A Southern Belle.
Need to brush-up on your southern manners? Visit my Southern Belle Ettiquette Tips.
Computing in the South is a special experience. Take a peek at my Southern Belle Puter Primer.
Steph and Pattie: My favorite Southern Belle Couple
Steph and Pattie are true Southern belles ... and they are a couple. A vist to see their pics and read their stroy is a must. Steph is a TG Belle and Pattie is her sweet Significant Other.
Southern Belle Picture Gallery
It's finally starting to grow with pretty pictures of the lovely ladies of the South.
Maid Art gallery
It's part of the TV Bondage Page. But, every lady deserves to have her maid. Check it out. And if the maid doesn't behave, learn how to remedy that situation real quickly.
Dawn's Bungalow
This is my favorite Southern Belle's web site.
It includes almost anything and everything a gender-gifted person needs to know. One of the more serious and supportive sites on the WWW system.
Above and Beyond
A very helpful guide and full of useful information. As their logo implies .. "The future has arrived" for the T* community.
NC TG Shopping Guide
Lots of places listed in the Charlotte, NC area.
Includes support groups, clubs, stores, therapists, etc. throught the Carolinas.
Wait till ya see her in red. Scarlet is my favorite color.
If you plan on meeting someone in real life you have "met" online read this NOW!
A Georgia-born peach of a lady.
Scartlet TG
A delightful Daughter of Dixie with the perfect name.
Another Georgia-Peach of a lady in Savannah.
Although her lifestyle isn't quite my cup of (sweetened)tea, she is a (NC) Southern Belle nonetheless.
The Ladies
of Geocities
A link to the web pages of hundreds of ladies in the transgendered community.
The Top 50 TV Sites
ADULT-ORIENTED listing of TV Sites. Some free sites. Some "pay-per-view.
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