Phuoc's Home

Phuoc's Home

Where you are free, to be who you are

fractal image

"Live as if everything you do will eventually be known." --Hugh Prather

"The wise are Who They Are." --Benjamin Hoff's "The Tao of Pooh"

"Love is no crime. Life is to love. Love is for you." --K. Van Haaran, sung by the Bad Boys Blue

Dedicated to all the romantics and muse in you...

Hi and welcome!
You are about to enter Phuoc's home. A home safe for everyone.
Hey afterall, a home is made up of four corners, a good foundation, and a roof, and everything here is not made of silicon and plastic.
So come on in! (Turn on the volume--medi files--for special effects).

Note: There are no pictures of me in these pages.

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