Aug. 26, 2002

Hi my name is Kevin. Im on the right. This is a picture of me and my friends Markie and Sam. They Own Hollywood Nights nite club in Mansfield.
Welcome to my 1st homepage
Click my picture to find out a little about me.
Well...I reset the counter Dec. 14th. 2001
There where 14,094 visiters to this page last year..YTD 1,039,934...thanks!!
you are visitor
Setting at home in Dayton.
My heart felt feelings go out to all those affected from the attack on our country. May your GOD compfort you and keep you and yours in this time of need.
Also I hope all my net friends let me know they are ok.
My thoughts are with you.
I signed up on 11/07/97

My interests are:
ufos, supernatural, sci-fi.
I enjoy the outdoors and nature, bird watching, Photography.
I like to play role playing and fantasy games.
I love to go and see The Rubi Girls when they are performing. Who
have to date raised overdollars for aids orginizations.


My page of friends.

my page of links to the supernatural,UFO's,Bigfoot,Ghost

link to gay places and people in Ohio.

Here are some links to some good sites for AIDS information.
The second links are for info on drugs and treatments.

"The Body"
"Center for Desiese Control"
"Aids Treatment Data Network"
"Aids Virtual Library"

"Pharmaceutical Information Network"
Other Sites Of Interest
"POZ Magazine"

E-Mail me at
More to be done.
Please come and visit again soon.
And Please....sign the guest book...thanks.

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