Gordon's Page

Welcome to Gordon's Home Page. Enjoy your visit, and be sure to e-mail me! This is just the start...more pics, info to follow.

So you wanna know more?...

I'm Scottish,originally from Ayrshire, but now live in Leeds (that's West Yorkshire, England for all my international viewers) with my other half Lee. If you really want to see what I look like, there's some pictures below.

I work for a large mail-order company as a Senior Analyst/Programmer. It's not the most exciting of jobs but it does pay the mortgage and allow me to indulge in my favourite hobbies. These include :-

Blackpool Tower - 16/8/97
Travelling. Our favourite trips were to Florida - Orlando and St. Petersburg. We've done all the usual sights - Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, Busch Gardens etc. There should be some photos scattered throughout these pages. Over the last couple of years we've visited Majorca, Tenerife, Paris, and of course Scotland. Our last few jaunts were to Dublin, Sitges, Tenerife (again!), Fuerteventura, and recently back to Orlando. See my Holiday Album. This Spring we went to The Gambia in Africa and for my birthday we went to Disneyland Paris.
Music. Mainly 70's disco, in particular Boney M., Amanda Lear and Amii Stewart.

Drinking. Diamond White - the elixir of the gods (or to put it another way - my god, doesn't it get you pissed quickly?) My favourite drink of the moment must be Smirnoff Mule - it goes down so easily!!

Smut!! It's what life's all about.

I will be adding to this page on a regular basis, so come back and visit again. Don't forget to e-mail me and let me know what you would like to see here!

Vital Stats...

Height 5'11" (1.78m)
Weight 10st 6lb (67kg)
Build Slim
Waist 32"
Hair Brown (ultra short crop)
Eyes Brown
Age 37
Other Pierced nipple & Tattoo
Gordon - July 1998


So you wanna see more?...

Please click on the thumbnails to view full size



Walt Disney World

Amsterdam Amsterdam

Walt Disney

Blackpool Lake District
Blackpool Lake District

More photos in my Holiday Album.

What's on my bedside cabinet...

If you're looking for a good read, then look no further than the one I've currently got my nose stuck into. It's BRILLIANT. The novel 'Hot On The Trail' by Lukas Scott.

'The Midwest, 1849. Hot OnThe Trail is the story of the original American dream, where freedom is driven by wild passion. And when farmboy Brett skips town and encounters dangerous outlaw Luke Mitchell, sparks are bound to fly in this raunchy tale of hard cowboys, butch outlaws, dirty adventure and true grit.Find out how wild the West really could be - a place where men were men and pleasure was theirs for the taking.

'A sizzling bedtime read' - Attitude Magazine

*** Order Lukas Scott's Hot On The Trail Today! ***
Hot On The Trail - Lukas Scott

More links...

Lee's Gallery - Pictures of Lee - my partner
Holiday Album - All about our holidays (vacations)
Back to Main Page - Gordon & Lee's Homepage

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Friends on The Net..

Frij's Guide to Polari - work this one out if you can! Bona!!


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Page created by: gl@netcomuk.co.uk
Changes last made on: Monday, 29 January 2001 22:03