"The Commission's mandate is to make schools safe for gay and lesbian youth and to eliminate harassment, violence and suicide for all youth in Massachusetts. Many of the problems facing gay and lesbian youth can be corrected by promulgation of information, training and the implementation and diffusion of formal guidelines and state policy." - The Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth. (OS)
This site is being posted in an attempt to document & export this hard-won, revolutionary marriage of activist verve & the interventionary powers of state government. The site's most important audience are gay & lesbian youth, kids, young adults, whatever & human service or public policy professionals & the queer community's activist/organizing base. The hope is that in states like Utah, people who already see (and remember) the need for something like this, will now be able to research and apply this model.
The site comes with some helpful documentation. It is a brief,and maybe necessary, discussion of site-wide conventions of structure, presentation and navigation I use here and specifically includes some notes on privacy.
Please, understand that this site is not out of testing. It is, yes, under construction; more importantly It is Incomplete and may be riddled with errors. I will be Updating frequently and religiously in between scanning and tagging sessions. Thanks.
[Stoo-pid][What's up with Stoo-pid]
My name is Jay. What's yours? The less polite, but more obvious question is
"What do you think (is good, bad, ugly, missing, confusing, buggy, irksome etc.) about the site?"
You can use standard mailto:jfesta@hotmail.com or use this Form-Mail to get ahold of me.
SITE Last Updated: 27 August, 1998
This page's URL is: http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/3830/index.html
Off Site Links this document contains:
The Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth:
Accessible Site Design: The Best Viewed Wtih Any Browser Campaign: