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A homepage for short gay men and those who adore them.

"Good things come in small packages!"

---Ancient and eternal Truth

Welcome! This is a barebones website dedicated to gay men who are short and those who find that wonderful! It's a place for us to post information about ourselves, meet other men like ourselves, or make connections with those taller men who know how sexy and adorable we can be!

Being short is a relative concept, of course. So, if you consider yourself to be short, then this site is for you! Let us hear from you and embark on meeting other men your own height or those taller who understand how great you are!

For now, the site will simply be a free "meeting place" for men to post basic information about themselves or find others they might be interested in meeting. Posting will be a simple process. Simply email me the information you'd like to include and I will post it as soon as I can-- that way I will get the first "shot" at getting to know you!! :-) Click below to find some guidelines and suggestions for creating a great profile which is sure to spark interest. I'll also look into posting images along with profiles, so be sure to send your jpgs (only) along with your email and let the world see how handsome you are!


Geocities terms of usage prohibits explicit sexual language or pornographic images. Violation of such guidelines could get me kicked off, so such content will be edited out of your profiles. Of course, what you say via email to those who respond to your post is up to you!

I also have a few ideas which might be of interest: stories, erotica (within limits of Geocities agreement), etc....but if anyone who has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know....and if you want to post something along those lines on the site, just let me know. The only limitations are those I've mentioned, and the 3 MB of space allowed per user.



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