This is my sister-->
<--and this is me
In a nutshell: I'm from South Dakota and I used to teach math to junior high kids.
In no particular order, I like silly things, trivia, Star Trek, and cute guys.
My day (er..night) job is with Citibank. I've currently (since mid-December 2003) relocated to Jacksonville, Florida from South Dakota.
The MOST UP TO DATE thoughts in my mind are on my blog thingy.
What is Andrew's wacky schedule?
Weather in Jacksonville, FL(where I live now) 
And weather where I used to live: 
And of course, there's a picture page with fun people & stuff. **Updated 19 Dec 2004
You can send eMail to Andrew
Thanks for visiting and have a great 2005!
Last Revision: Wednesday, 12 January, 2005 from Jacksonville, Florida.
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agra unmoving-writing-utensil answer-to-life+5