to True Identity

True Identity is a national community based service (based in Manchester) whose primary aim is to enhance the quality of life and the relationships of lesbians and gay men. This is primarily achieved by offering a variety of what we call "Skills for Life" training programmes on such things as relationships, self-esteem, managing negative emotions. A new service being developed is Internet Training Courses for lesbian and gay men as well as for organisations serving the lesbian and gay community.

A new service now also available is Internet Training for lesbians and gay men and organisations. For further details on our services, click on the links below.

Additionally this web site will also contain articles that will be written on related themes and issues that will be of interest to the lesbian and gay community. Please let me know what articles you would like to see added - or indeed if you would like to contribute an article yourself to this web site. All offers are welcome and would be appreciated.

Further more a new page which will soon be developed is an index of useful links to other related pages related to being gay and personal development. Have you come across any pages/sites that you have found particular useful. Please send them on to me and I will include them.

Very shortly a mailing list will be developed for interested individuals who are not only keen to keep in touch with the work and activities of True Identity and the services we are offering to lesbians and gay men in Manchester and further afield. Further more, however it will be a discussion forum for lesbians and gay men to discuss and debate via e-mail issues of concern to lesbians and gay and explore ways in which the life of lesbians and gay men can be enhanced and improved. This mailing list will be done using the services of, but unfortunately at the time of writing the server was down so the list could not be established. In the interim, please email me at if you would like details of this mailing list once it has been set up.

Finally, please can I take this opportunity to thanking you for visiting this site but may I also encourage you to sign our guestbook where you can either leave a public or a private message. This is the first attempt at putting this home page together, therefore any comments you have would be greatly appreciated.

An Introduction to True Identity and the Need for True Identity.

The "Skills for Life" Training Programmes.

Details of a Free Internet Course for Lesbians and Gay Men in Manchester.

Workshops and Other Services Planned and Being Developed by True Identity.

What have Past Participants Said about the Training Courses Available.

Introducing Michael Watling, The Tutor of the Training Services.

Internet Resource Guide and Web Directory Publication Details.

Issues Affecting the Lesbian and Gay Community and the Affects of Discrimination..

Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gay Men who Live in Rural Areas.

And finally all that is left for me to say is: for visiting this site and any comments you have on how it could be improved would be really helpful.


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