Miss Management Productions

I don't know for sure what I'm doing here. A little bit about me- I'm a gay male, born in 1950. I finance my hobbies by working for a local electric and gas company. Back in 1971 I somehow graduated from SUNY Maritime College at Fort Schuyler. That's under the scenic Throgs Neck Bridge in the Bronx, New York. My interests are sailing, photography and swimming. That's when I can get time off!

(Click on the images below to see full size)

   This is my Hobie 20, CONSTANT CRAVING, taken at Bellport, Long Island.  That's Fire Island in the background.

  This is my previous boat, TRENC LA MER, a Hobie 18.  This was taken in May 1986 (or 87?)

  My "newest" boat.  It's a 1987 O'Day 272LE.  In this photo the previous owners' name is still on it.  I've have not really decided what to call it!  STAG HOUND (that was an early clipper ship, the first ship built by Donald McKay) is one possibility; Ganymede is another.

Me, fall of 2003

And that's me, Big Al

This was taken early in August 1998 at the Ice Palace in Cherry Grove.
Oh - the bird is not mine.

See some of my photos:

Just added!

Spring Break Party and LI Pride Press 100th Issue Celebration at
Locker Room Thursday
March 22, 2001
      Miss Long Island 1997 photos
1998 Gay Pride Day photos (New York City)1

1999 Gay Pride Day Photos (New York City)

AIDS Foundation of Long Island
10 Anniversary Dock of the Bay Charity Benifit

E-mail me at missmanagement@geocities.com

Links to other sites on the Web
My Co-worker Doug's Weather Links
Pansy Division - Gay Rock Band
International Hobie Cat Association
Bellport 1.2 Meter Radio Controlled Sailboats

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