Gay And Christian

Yes, It's Possible!

This website is designed for gay people who left Christianity to follow their hearts and found that they left part of their heart behind.

Do you dare to claim the grace of God? Can you look beyond the things you've been taught to believe about Christianity and believe that God loves you -- that God made you the way that you are and there is nothing wrong with it? Being a Christian is more than being a member of the church or churches of which you had to leave. Being a Christian is first and foremost a relationship with Christ; how you relate to fellow Christians is an expression of that primary relationship. Christ is Lord -- who are servants to lord it over each other? You can love and serve Christ as a gay person. Yes, it's possible!

Important disclaimer: this is not a place that advocates celibacy as your only option. I myself am in a relationship with a man. What I say is what I mean: you can be gay and Christian! God does more than tolerate you and your desires-God made you the way you are.

April 26th, 1999 - Decided to go ahead and give a makeover to the site today. Hope you like it! As it shall ever be, the page is under construction. The essays about Paul, Sodom, and Hearts are unwritten as of yet - the link is to a blank page. The essay about The Bible is mostly there, but still incomplete (although more has been written since before this update). The essay about what Jesus said is complete, and brief. Now that I have access to an upload program for Macintosh, I will try to update and add essays every two weeks. Thanks for the few who have seen the page so far and I hope to see you back as well! PS, my links page is lost as well, so I am surfing today to rebuild it. It should be up again by tomorrow. And speaking of Tomorrow, you might find a nice little tidbit that a certain favorite cartoonist of mine gave me permission to reprint. Thanks a lot, Tom!

June 24, 1999 - The only change I have made is add a picture of myself to the biography section, and rewritten it to reflect my current single status. Sorry for not writing any more than that, but work is keeping me so busy! And that picture is probably the best picture ever taken of me in my life, so judge accordingly.

There are two approaches to the problems faced by many gays who used to follow Christ, and neither should be neglected. I like to call them the head and the gut (intellect and emotion). If your head is bothering you, there are several essays here you should check out.

This is a look back at the first city that never slept: Sodom. It's a detailed analysis of this story and what it has come to mean to fundamentalistic dogma. Teaser question: Who should really be labeled sodomites today? It's not who you think.

Look over The Bible and Being Gay. It's an logical approach to the problem of being gay and Christian.

He was a legend. His dedication to Christ is undenied. His message to the Roman world was electrifying and revolutionary. He argued and begged, he wept and he raged, he suffered countless indignities so that his message of peace in Christ could be heard by all. He was also dead wrong on at least one issue. Meet The Apostle Paul.

Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Christ, correct? What did Jesus say about being gay?

But convincing the brain isn't enough. We need to convince the heart that being gay and Christian is a safe and joyous place to be. Most gay people that have rejected their former Christianity are convinced that Christianity and the Bible condemn them. And when we discuss what the Bible says, and where true Christianity lies, they accept the message to a point. You can offer every intellectual reason you want, and the end result is the same: the heart knows what it knows: "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing," was the way Pascal put it. In their gut, they know undeniably that to be gay is to go to hell. The tragedy is that they continue to lead their lives without examining this deep conflict within them. Check out When Our Hearts Condemn Us.

If you want to know more about me, I've written a short biography. It's also got a few links to various places and schools in my life.

And speaking of links, here are some other places to visit on your journey through cyberspace.

As of the 9th of May, 1999, your visitor number is . Thanks for coming and visit again soon!

Joseph Nobles

Copyright © 1999, Joseph Nobles

All biblical quotations from the New Revised Standard Version.