
Hullo all

Hullo there glad ta see ya wellcome ta my little korner of the net. The main reason for setting up a page is to prove ta myself that it can be done, and of course Vanity like every other CD I like to show off my Fem side. Whats that ya say "CD" like in cross dresser, like a guy that likes puttin on girls clothing? Ya thats right so if ya dont feel comfortable adout crossdressing then please feel free ta go somewhere else trust me I dont wish ta desturb ya if ya dont feel at ease with this subject.

I should say a few things about my pages first of all this is not a sex site, it is a site where you can have a laugh or five with me about crossdressing. If you want sex go somewhere else or get a real life. The next thing you should know is that Im hetrosexual, this means that even though I like to recive comploments Im not intrested in dating another man however if any lady out there is intrested in me let me know.
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Kay's Karazzy Korner

Since December 14, 1999 there have been Counterpeople viset me here
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