House of Windsor Gallery

Updated 7.3.98

Carlos, Billy and Bobby have been aware of a recent trend in USA to improve their image and settled for some designer outfits of their own.    They have quite a wardrobe between them now and don't mind borrowing from each other for greater variety. 

However Carlos has not been too productive with his art work and we hope to have some new paintings with the next update.

Just a preview of Carlos' talent.

He calls it "Boy in Blue" but I know who the model really is.

About Carlos  |  Photo Album  |  Carlos' Pictures  |

Carlos would like to hear from you regarding his paintings and is prepared to keep you posted on recent events shared with his very close friend, Billy.  Just drop an E-mail to his host, Brian, who will pass the message on.  You may like to see some of the work minus the bikini.

You might also E-mail Brian to find out where all these new clothes came from.