Antisexualism Online

In April of 1999, I started the Organization for Antisexualism, having no idea how much it would grow. But over the past few years, I haven’t had the time to run it. I tried to make the site much more interactive (renaming it Antisexualism Online), stressing that the site was what the members made of it, but no one took the bait. In a way, I’ve become so consumed with other things in my life that I no longer have the emotional connection to the organization that I used to.

I’ve tried several ways in order to find volunteers to pick up some of the slack, but the response has been almost nill. People want the site but they don’t want to help run it. Many people over the years have sent in their appreciation for the site and how essential it has become to the internet, but I don’t have the energy for it anymore. It should be so much more than it is, and I don’t even have the energy to maintain it let alone improve upon it.

Therefore, Antisexualism Online celebrates its seven-year anniversary by shutting down.

It's been fun.

-Mary, Former President, April 2006