Welcome to my cyber-abode! This site is woefully out of date. I hope to make some changes here a little at a time over the next few months. In particular, you will find graphics and backgrounds that no longer work. References to times may be out of sync as well. Otherwise, what follows mostly still holds true.

It is a very personal look at who I am. When I first came across personal homepages, I wondered why anyone would want to lay their soul bare for the world to see. After being on the web for awhile, I came to see that through self-revelation, you get others to open up and make some wonderful friends along the way. You also learn alot about life and yourself in the process. This homepage is one more step in the process of exploring my way through life.

Like most homepages, this place is always changing. Be sure to look for links within the text along the way. I have plans to make some major changes in this site if I can ever find some time. For now, a bit about myself: I am a multifaceted individual who also happens to be gay. Although being gay colors everything about me, there is so much more that distinquishes me. My interests include sports, outdoor activities, travel, music art and antiques, architechture, homelife, and a whole lot more. I live in Champaign, IL. I am 45 years old and am single. I used to be a newsgroup fanatic but have moved on to other things these days. I am still having a blast on the web and have been on-line since March of 1997. This homepage remains an on-going project. Please check back and see how the site progresses. I am not a big fan of guestbooks, so e-mail me and I'll likely respond. Thanks for visiting! Brad

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