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          Out Is In!!!                    

I am 24 years old.  I just graduated in May with a BS in elementary/special education.  I am a lesbian and have been out for two years.  I am involved with a most amazing girl!  She makes me feel alive for the first time in my life.  I love animals and have 8 of my own.  I have 1 rabbit,4 Guinea Pigs, 1 Hamster, a Parakeet and an Orange-cheeked Finch.  I am a lacto vegetarian and an animal rights person.  I don't eat or wear anything that comes from animals.  I am a Solitary Wiccan.  This means that I am a witch.  However, I am not involved in Black Magic since that goes against the main creed of Wicca, "as it harm no one, do as you will."   I have one younger sister.

I was born on August 2, 1975 which makes me a Leo Sun Sign and a Gemini Moon Sign in Western Astrology.  In Eastern Astrology, it makes me a Metal Rabbit.


I like to read alot.  I particularly like suspense and horror books.  My favorite authors are: John Grisham, Steven King and R.L. Stine.  I just began reading Ann Rice books and like them alot too.  I love suspense and horror movies too.  I have all of the John Grisham movies.  I love Steven King movies.  My favorite horror/suspense movies are: Psycho, Sixth Sense, the Scream trilogy and Stigmata.  My favorite movie of all time is Grease 2.  That was the first movie I ever saw Michelle Pfieffer in.  I adore her!  I make jewelry and paint/oil pastel abstract art as gifts.  I collect Beanie Babies. 

Hole, Fiona Apple, Alanis Morissette, Melissa Etheridge, U2, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, Staind, Godsmack, Indigo Girls, Sarah MacLachlin, Korn, Rob Zombie, Liz Phair and Pink Floyd are a few of my favorites right now.

Ok, this is the hard part.  I have many diagnosed mental disorders.  I will run them through quickly for you.  Ok, here goes: Major Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder,  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, and Eating Disorder N.O.S.  I have been in treatment for these problems for a little over 3 years now.  I  have been treated with Dialectical Behavior Therapy and am on medication.  It is Effexor XR.  My biggest confession is that I am a recovering Self-Injurer.  I have not hurt myself in any way in just over one year and have not cut myself in  two years.  I can not say I am cured because it is not something you can be cured from, you battle it every day.

For YE of Closed  --> Minds!!

If you don't like what you just read about me, stop reading.  You obviously have no understanding of mental illness if this frightens you.  I am perfectly sane.  I am NOT crazy.  If you choose to dislike me because of any of this, I feel very sorry for you and those who have to abide within your presence.  Do not judge, lest ye be judged.  Instead of condeming me, take a look a your life, is it so perfect that nothing need be changed?  At least I am aware of my problems and am working to better myself.  I chose 3 years ago to live and I am completely LIVING for once in my life.  Do you think that there is NOTHING in your life for which someone else may find fault?

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