Hello there! You can call me
Hothead (or Hottie, Hotness, HH...). That is not my real name, of course, but I chose it
after my big example, heroine, role model, etc, etc. (ahem; I'm exaggerating slightly
here). A million thanks to Diane DiMassa for creating the cartoon
character Hothead Paisan. Those of you who know the stories will know more or less what (who)
to expect.
Those who don't, well... the subtitle for that cartoon is "homicidal lesbian terrorist". |
That's me, I guess. A dyke who at times can get mad enough to
(almost) kill, fighting (desperately?) to help make her little corner of the big blue
marble free of prejudice and discrimination. Apart from that, I'm also the girl next door.
Person, woman, lesbian: not necessarily or always in that order. However, I'm all three,
and together they determine who and what I am. And I'll chew you a new asshole if
you make the mistake of overlooking or -worse- belittling one of them! (half joking; I
have no desire of getting an indigestion that way.) |
Does that give you any clue what this site will be about? I
can be clear as mud, right? Well, obviously, it will be about lil' ole ME. Rants, frustrations, ideas, hopes... No
whining, promise. If you catch me doing that, you can whip my ass. And NO, I'm not into
S&M. Sorry to disappoint you :P
Interests (books, music, travel, computers...), friends, the usual boring stuff for a home
page. There's also a wee picture page about my wife Dany (ayup, her hotness got
hitched!). And then there will be lesbians plus all things related, of course. Gotta be
true to my character, no? Anyway, those are the plans, who knows how it will turn
out eventually. For now you have to be satisfied with a piccie, a link or two, and a few
definitions plus associated rants. Da rest will follow. As soon as I find the time to whip
something decent (that's MY interpretation of decent :P ) together. So bear with me for
now, and check back some time in the (near) future. I hope you'll like it here. |
Oh, lest I forget, this site may be by a dyke, but
it's for everyone: grrl or guy, queer or straight, you're all welcome. And maybe,
just maybe, some day my rants will make someone lose eir prejudices or misconceptions, or
stir some understanding into bloom. Ah well, I'm probably a dreamer as well. But doesn't
everyone want to make a difference? |
Bye for now, grrls! (and boys)
Sign my damn guestbook!!! Peek at what others wrote
I hate e-mail
Don't send me e-mail
Don't bother writing
Hey look, I won an award!