Mistress Leigh
Professional Dominatrix
Leigh is a professional
Dominatrix in the Phoenix Arizona metropolitan
area. If you are interested, please send an email to her
Include information about yourself, your desires, an email
where you can be contacted reliably at, as well as a statement
you understand that Leigh is a professional dominatrix and is -not-
a prostitute and does not exchange sex for money. If your
email is
incomplete, difficult to understand, or rude, it will be
Leigh is a young but experienced dominatrix who has dealt with
both male and female submissives and is not turned off by
unusual interests.
Feb, 2000
The dungeon I have been renting has closed!
Unless I find another dungeon to rent I'm afraid first time clients will not
have a dungeon as an option for the location of sessions.
Feb, 2000
I have moved into a new location and my phone number has changed.
Following some confused emails I wish to now specify that my phone number is not
given out on this web page or in early emails. My phone number is for serious clients only
and will usually be given only before a session. I now have a pager as well.
Clients whom I have seen previously, who wish to call me, should email and request
the new number.
Feb, 2000
I am looking for a slavegirl or female submissive.
Interested slavegirls should email me.
Bisexuality is a plus, however lesbian and hetero girls will not be
turned down on that basis alone if they are willing to participate in non-intercourse
activities or explore. Switch is not a problem either.
Feb, 2000
I am looking for models for photography and other art interests.
Primarily female models are needed, males will not be turned down out of hand,
but the demand is higher for female. Prospective models should be interested in sexuality
and sensuality of different kinds and willing to explore. Activities might include erotic
photography, painting, moulding, and perhaps videos. Models should be height/weight
proportionate, but not necessarily a 3% bodyfat venus, plump is okay. It may be possible to
pay or exchange services of some type for exceptional models. In the past I have often done
photos in exchange for the model receiving copies of the better pictures for themselves,
given sessions, or other things.
Some Companies whose products Leigh enjoys :
Miss Leigh's webpage has had
hits since January 17, 1999
(And its not even porn!)