Hi I'm Doug.
I signed up on 06/04/98 07:56:57, and am finally moved in.

Hello everyone! This is my first attempt at a home page, so bear with me. My name is Doug and I live in Westland, Mi. I'm a 40 yr. old GWM who is disabled and uses a power chair.I have SMA which causes muscle weakness. Its very difficult sometimes, but I'm still hanging strong. Am very single, so all willing applicants feel free to apply:). The school's I attended are John Glenn High School, Adam's Jr. High, Roosevelt-McGrath, and Rackham School of Special Ed. I'd love to hear from anyone who also attended these school's I have varied interests including the internet, stereo equipment, electronic gadgets and gizmos, soft rock and country music, Sony Playstation, horror books and movies, playing home Jeopardy! or other trivia games, eating out with my Mother and sister, shopping, reference books, and just about anything that get's me out of the house. Like to watch figure skating, bowling and tennis. I have been an Avon representative now for 16 years, so if anyone in the Wayne-Westland, Garden City, or Canton area's ever needs a good Avon "Lady" please e-mail me. I'd be happy to take your orders. I also make large table doillies which I'd be happy to show. Any fellow sock lovers out there?

Email me at weslee40@webtv.net, if you would like to make a good friend
Please come back soon and visit me.

Me & Mum

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"You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish"

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