To My Home page
All the content and photos on this site are copyrighted to Shania,If you wish to use anything,obtain permission first.
and welcome to my home page, I hope that you will enjoy your visit and
that you discover interesting pieces of information and links regarding
the subjects of Transgenderism,Transsexuality,and Transvestism.
Story So Far
was around the age of eight that I first realized that I was different
to all the other boys,while they were playing their rough and tumble games
I was looking over to see what the girls were doing,I would have been more
than content to sit and join in their games instead.My posture and gestures
were not the same as the other boys either,and I quickly realized myself
that I fit in more with the girls than the boys.I was constantly picked on by all the other boys without knowing why ,and it is only in recent years that I think I have discovered the reason why.Even at that early age I will have been giving off "female signals" and "female gestures" without even thinking or even knowing about it, and the other boys will have picked up on this ,seeing that I was different from them but not knowing why ! of course as the years went buy I realized I was giving off all these feminine gestures and signs and tried to cover them up and like most of us I tried
my best to "Fit in" and throughout the years I managed to hide my feminine
side behind a wall of false "Maleness". In private however, my feminine
side continued to grow .Around the age of 21 I met the love of my life,a
wonderful,understanding,careing person,We moved in together and after a
number of years we got married. My wife helped and supported me with my
"Gender problem" as I felt my way forward.Now its a number of years down
the road (I am now 36) and I am "Dressed" or should I say "Feminized" every
day in one form or another ,and feel more like a woman as each month goes
by,and this is all without the use of prescription hormones or the "so
called " hormones you can get by mail order.I am now also free to walk,talk,and
express myself as the woman I am to a number of relatives and friends ,I
managed to pluck up the courage to tell them of my secret and was greatly
suprised by how well everyone took the news,they have all been very helpful
,kind ,and supportive so I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to you for being my TRUE friends,and accepting me for the person I am not just the person I have presented to you in the past (that was just an actor), but for "me" the real person trapped inside of this wrong body shell.
I do however still keep my secret from a few
friends as they are still a little bit too narrow minded,and I dont think
they could understand that being Transsexual is a medical problem,all
to do with chromosomes ,chemicals and hormones..not a sexual kink
! its not the same as being transvestite either ,as Im sure that
most of them would think that a Transsexual person and a Transvestite
are the same thing.
Its been almost a year since i wrote the section above, and quite a lot has happened since then,Some of which I can tell you about and some of which I prefer to keep private.
Since the reason I started this Homepage in the first place was to help other TS/TG people, I will begin to share my experience (so far) with Hormones.
I decided after a lot of serious thinking (and discussions with my wife) that I wanted to begin Hormone treatment,The reason being that the more people I tell about my transsexuality, the more Shania wanted to be complete,and wanted the life that had been taken away from her all these years. After all these years of being hidden away in the darkness she was now able to be seen, I was now able to "be myself" and not have to act the part of a male,and not have to crossdress as a one (as that is what I have been doing all my life).
The questions i had now were.......where do I go ?.......and what do I do ? and what kind of hormones are right for me ? and how will i get them ? and what do they cost ? etc... etc....
I still had one BIG problem to overcome too ...and that was that I still could not tell "certain people" about my transsexuality so this meant that whatever results i started to get from the hormones , I would need to be able to cover up,or at least have a really good excuse for the physical changes.
To my dissapointment I found out that the best doctor to go to who specialized in Andrology/Transsexuality etc..had stopped taking new patients , he was just concentrating on the people he already had as he was cutting down his work load.
A friend of mine however was a one of his patients and begged and pleaded on my behalf for me to be able to get an appointment with him.(I was told by her that he had a fully booked appointment list for over half a year ahead !so that even if he did decide to see me it would not be for a very long time !)
A few weeks went by and i was feeling really dissapointed and was sure that he would just forget about me, so I came up with a plan
(the cunning Shania enters the building) ;)
I decided to send him a nice email simply saying that I really really hoped that he had time to fit me in, in the not too distant future as Im was very unhappy in my present situation.
Then (and now comes the cunning part) I decided to include a photo of myself ,as i remembered that on a lot of occasions the transsexual people i had seen often did not have the outward looks to "fit with" the girl inside, they were more like the "Hairy arsed truck driver in a dress" type ! please understand that I certainly do not intend to bring these people down with that last comment as those girls are just as much women as any of us,BUT... I saw it as my chance to get in to see the Doc !
I figured that the Doc quite often had a difficult task ,kind of an uphill battle to help make these very male looking people into the feminine beauties that lie within, but mother nature had given me a very slim,almost hairless blonde feminine look from birth and I figured that if he saw that then it might sway his decision in my favour........ IT WORKED !
After only a couple of days I was contacted by him and got my first appointment to go and chat with him ! YIPPIE !!!!!!
Did You Know HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=30>
most Transgendered or transvestite people are not gay ?
people automatically think that if you are dressing as a woman (for whatever
reason) then you MUST be gay, This is not so.In fact a lot of transsexuals (male to female) even after their "sex change" are
"lesbian" and are only attracted to women ! or they remain happily married men !.
has been documented in a Trans related report that left handed people are
much more likely to be Transgendered or Transvestite !
Jamie lee
curtis the movie star has XXY chromosomes,and the very beautiful
Caroline Cossey (super model TULA) has XXXY chromosomes !
As a matter of interest, anyone that has not seen Caroline Cossey or read her books should do so right away, she is a very intelligent,feminine,and beautiful girl and her life story is incredible,She was even one of 007s BOND girls, bikini and all and they did not even know she was Transsexual !
If you are reading this Caroline, I wish you all the best and hope all your tough times are over.
That one of the main differences between transsexuals and transvestites is that a transvestite person dresses mainly for the "kick" or "feel" of wearing womens clothing, often it is for sexual purposes,and therefore they wear a more sexy type of clothing ,The transvestite is quite often turned on by the thought or Thrill of wearing womens clothing.The Transsexual on the other hand wears womens clothing because... They are women ! maybe not outwardly but most certainly inwardly, so they wear what feels "right" !........There is a Trans related joke which goes....In a room full of Transvestites and Transsexuals,How can you tell them apart ????......The Transsexuals are the ones in the jeans and T shirts !
has also been reported that babies who´s mothers were under a lot
of stress during pregnancy or the actual birth were much more likely to
have Trans related children.
X and Y chromosomes are responsible for either girls or boys,Girls have
two X chromosomes (one from daddy one from mummy) While the Boys have an
X from mummy and a Y from daddy ,so males are XY and females are XX.Transsexual
people can quite often have XXY.
The popular Hormone PREMARIN would not be so popular with Transsexuals if they knew where the word PREMARIN comes from ! It actually comes from the first few letters of the contents of the pills
PREgnant-MARe-uRIN !!!! YEP its made from horse piss !

This page last updated on MAY the 20th 1999
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