Hello and welcome to my homepage, which, like so many others on the web, is eternally "under construction".
Well, some short infomation about myself: I was born in Istanbul in 1973 and I went to the Istanbul German High School and am now doing a postgraduate degree in Law at the University of Edinburgh, where I also did my undergraduate studies - an M.A. in Politics between 1993 and 1997. Consequently, I'm interested in politics, particularly international politics and European integration.
Here are a few links to sites I find interesting. There will be more in the near future. And here are a couple of pictures of me in Edinburgh and in Maastricht.
Do feel free to email me with suggestions, declarations of undying love etc.

 Links to other sites on the Web:

Governments on-line
The Europa website
S4C - the Welsh-language TV channel
The Quebec government homepage
The Western Isles Council homepage
The Kate Bush homepage
Latvian Banknotes (!)
Estero - a link to newspapers of the world
The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs homepage
The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs homepage
A Runrig homepage
Capercaillie homepage

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© 1997 akleman@tardis.ed.ac.uk

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