HI I'm Cassie and this is a little bit about me and my world, if you would like to find out
more about me please feel free to continue, if you are offened by Transgenderism and or Wicca
then you need to find some other place to go, again Merry Meet and Blessed Be
to all of you out there no matter what Faith you follow, or your Gender.
**This page and all the others are best viewed with Microsoft IE 4 and Black Chancery font,
all of the graphics were downloaded as freeware.
** Please check the Wiccan link below for some very inportant information for the Pagan Community
Sorry still under
Please check back soon..
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Can You Imagine? (For the Child in All of Us)
by Robert F. Potts © 1996
Can you imagine a world without witches, A world with all people the same? Where the only known dragons are hiding in books, And children are terribly tame?
A world without magic would be sad indeed. I cannot imagine the pain Of having a world where there's no Santa Claus, Where wizards are searched for in vain.
Can you imagine a world without spells, That science and businesses run? And think of the sadness a unicorn feels When he no longer plays in the sun.
Can you imagine a world without witches, No elves, and no magical pools? And can you imagine how dull it would be If all that we had were the schools?
I cannot imagine a world without witches, A world with no magical wand. A world without beauty, or even a dream, Or a wood sprite of whom to be fond.
They say I should grow up and be more mature, Like a normal adult ought to do. But I'd rather, at night, go to dance with a witch, And I'll bet that you feel that way, too.
Wiccan .........Susana's Page..........
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