Greetings! Welcome to my virtual house. Here is my personal little corner of the internet. I finally have it fixed up to something I'm proud of, so I hope y'all like it. I've got queer stuff, poems, quotes, links, anime, Beautiful People photos, and more. Feel free to look around!
If anyone out there knows any really funny or insightful quotes for the Amethyst Room, e-mail me. I'm also looking for cool links, beautiful people nominees, cool graphics, or just about anything you think I should put on here. Oh yeah, I almost forgot-- I'd love it if you'd send me dragons for my dragon collection. Thank you, and Blessed Be!

And now... the moment we've all been waiting for... my virtual house! (Applause here.) Okay, now that I've finished buiding up expectations for this page, here it is. I have eleven rooms:
Blue Door Jade the Faerie (Poetry)
Lavender Door Queer Stuff
Magenta Door My Links
Yellow Door My Photos
Green Door Beautiful People
Amethyst Door Quotes
Emerald Door A Story
Light Blue Door Jokes
Fire-Orange Door Quizzes
Silver Door About Me
Golden Door Anime!
Stone Door The Dragons' Castle