CowboyRam's Home Page


The story continues.
The next instalment of the Lone Star Tomorrow series:
Episode 9 is now online.

My own little fictional gay country western on-line drama
Read about the going ons with these Texas Ranchmen and Cattlewomen.

Plus Updated Pictures as of 11/24/05

Coming Out Story
Bi American
Rodeo Biography
What I'm into -
Links and Info
Love, Lust
and Cowboy desire
- short story series
View Guestbook
How do there all. For those of you who are first time visitors let me introduce myself, I'm CowboyRam. I live in the Washington, DC area, but I am originally from New England.

I have made a lot of good friends here in DC, made a few more via the web, and always looking forward to making some more. So be sure to put your X and your thoughts in my guest book.

For those of you who are return visitiors with it being four years into the new century, I have decided to give the cowboyram site a new look. I will be adding some things and improving others in the hopes of making the site more user friendly and easier to navigate. The hope is that the site will be completely revamped by summers end 2004. Keep checkin' back for more new features.
CowboyRam Profile Capitol

If you have any comments or suggestions, Let me know

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Email me
In the meantime. Y'all come back now, y'hear.

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